More pony room WIP pictures (LOTS of pictures...)

I really want to blog about this room. Would that be okay with you?
Ha ha I love the shelf where it's just pure Pinkie Pie-ness. Nice collection, I'm jealous as can be. I only have roughly 175 ponies!!!!!!!!!! And playsets and what not but ONLY 175!!!!

LOL! I can't wait till I have only 175 ponies :) let alone what you have in this room ponywrangler! This is amazing. I love the bike that is peeking out in one photo as well :) My daughter would NEVER leave your room and I don't think I would either! Love your rainbow ponies as well and your gusty's lovely lovely lovely.
@Twilight2008- Most of mine were in big plastic totes for a *long* time. In fact, when I started working on my room I unpacked all these totes & my boyfriend was making fun of me (since he didn't realize how much I had)... fast forward to Christmas that year: I got out to the garage & start pulling my Christmas decorations out of my under-the-stairs-storage & I open one of the totes & it's FULL of ponies! I was so *happy dance* & my boyfriend is just looking at me & he goes, "You were missing a whole FULL tote of ponies & you didn't even know it?..." But at the time, I was just so overwhelmed trying to sort everything out, I really hadn't noticed! Also-re:cats; Is there a rescue or no kill shelter near you? A lot of time if you are a "rescuer" so to speak- they will offer their vet's services to you for a really good price. My mom lives out on a farm rescues strays all the time (she has like 20+ out there) & even her barn kitties, she takes to get fixed. This no-kill shelter a few towns over called "The Tenth Life" charges her a very low low rate. I think they figure-if they help you spay & neuter, maybe less cats will make their way to them!

@Mavi- It started out as just the closet in my spare room... but as you can see, my closet got kinda full!! So finally I just decided that I don't have people stay at my house very often (& my extended family, they all have kids-what little girl wouldn't want to spend the night in there?) so why not let it take over the whole room? My friend Amy teases me because she questioned me once about my dinner choice (it was something ridiculous like cake) & my spur-of-the-moment-yelled-response was, "I'm a grownup, I'm allowed!" & I sounded absolutely insane. So now whenever I do something wacky (like fill a room with toys) she just laughs & says, "I'm a grownup, I'm allowed!"

@DialgaBritesMom- I love love love the conga comment!! I'm going to think that everytime I walk in the room now!

@Dash86- You'll get there before you know it!! :) And I always have doubles of SOMETHING so if you ever feel like trading, send me a message, I would always prefer to trade than sell. I also run my doubles on eBay & offer combined shipping (& I am not in a hurry so you can bid for as long as you want if you give me a heads up) so feel free to check my post out in the auction section.

*whew* I didn't realize how many comments there would be! Thanks for all the nice compliments guys!!
:O You must live in the funnest "grown up" house ever!!! I have a music room but your pics have inspired me to try and find some nice thrifty shelves to paint up and have a music/pony room :)

Thanks for sharing!
I'll keep that in mind! I don't have anything to trade at the moment lol as I barely have a collection as it is :) but if you EVER sell an extra G3 styling pony or a G1 Rainbow let me know :) and you're right about a little girl staying there. My daughter sees this room and she'll never want to leave your house!
I also just noticed you have the orajel training tooth paste hahahaha! awesome! my daughter uses that lol.

@the man caves. I should show my husband! that is extreme awesomeness wrapped into a room. I'm digging it all except for the bengals pieces haha. We're browns fans. You're right he can't say anything about your one pony room since he gets a sports bar and a wall to wall memorabilia room. your house is like one big display case!
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