Mod Podge-ing glitter ponies?


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
Jul 25, 2009
I've read up alot on the plasticiser loss and glitter loss in the g2 and g3 glitter ponies. Those girls are all pretty high on my wish list, and I was wondering if anyone had good results with sealing these guys? I've seen it suggested a few times on threads, but no-one has really come back and said 'yes, it works, I did mine and it's been so much time and they're great' or anything like that. I'm sure glitter loss can't be undone with sealing, but the stickiness could be solved, right? My G2 Queen Sunsparkle is a little gunky, and I'm hoping to be able to fix her up, as well as any others I might buy. Any cleaning tips would also be great!
Personally, I don't like using modge podge on my projects, though I admit I've never used it on a pony.

If it's ever in a warmish space, it tends to have stuff start to stick to it; I ruined a few pieces of costumes and handmade hair clips but having them get covered in fuzz that's impossible to remove. It goes back to being gluey if its warm.

I know other people have had luck with modge podge as a craft medium, but I hate it. :sadpony: