MLPTP EVENT MLPTP Valentine's Day Card Swap *Post in Brag Thread*

Yay! Got my list <3
Not many people must have signed up for tier 1 but that’s fine, I’ll have time to make the cards extra special :valentine:

@Wildshadow if you’d be interested do a private card swap let me know. I got my list and wouldn’t mind adding one more. I’ll send you a message
Yeah, seems like the tier one sign ups were low, but that means I can focus on making the few cards I make look Super pretty :smile::lolpony:
Hope my trading partners enjoy them :ponylove:
Pony friends I believe this is the first time the TP has run a Valentines Card Swap like this.

Historically speaking the Winter Holiday tends to have a larger turnout. Members have to be divided up equally and fit within the tier levels too.

Please feel free to set up private swaps if you have more Valentines that you would like to share with the community.

I am also taking notes to revise for next year’s version if there is still interest for this swap to run again. <3 :Posty1: :orangeheart: :applejack:
Pony friends I believe this is the first time the TP has run a Valentines Card Swap like this.

Historically speaking the Winter Holiday tends to have a larger turnout. Members have to be divided up equally and fit within the tier levels too.

Please feel free to set up private swaps if you have more Valentines that you would like to share with the community.

I am also taking notes to revise for next year’s version if there is still interest for this swap to run again. <3 :Posty1: :orangeheart: :applejack:
It's definitely not a complaint, I really appreciate all the effort you have put into this! I hope you didn't think my comment was in any way negative, I'm just super excited to share some cute valentines!
It's definitely not a complaint, I really appreciate all the effort you have put into this! I hope you didn't think my comment was in any way negative, I'm just super excited to share some cute valentines!

Generalized announcement to all participants and to update our members on the TP. :) The admin and moderators always strive to do better and improve each swap and experience for our fellow pony friends on the MLPTP. :orangeheart: :applejack: <3 :Posty1:
the sign up date snuck up on me too quickly and i forgot to join! im excited to see all the cards that come through ♥
I don't mind the sign-up list being a bit smaller! I'm still new here, so only having a handful of cards to take care off serves as a great introduction to doing a swap like this, and means I can make things a little extra special :smile:
I like a smaller list ❤️

For some reason, my country has insanely expensive postal rates for international mail
So a smaller amount of recipients mean I can take part fully, yay!!! I'm excited
I've had a rough morning, so being able to design pony related goodies cheers me up
I'm just sending out pre made cards. Making cards for the holiday swap took a long time for me. I have so little time at the end of the day after the kids are asleep. Haha.
Ordered some cute goodies for mine

I’m so excited for my first swap :ponylove:
Im actually really glad its smaller, that way i could put more attention on the valentines rather than trying to stretch it thin doing too many. I mean i would have had fun either way, but i certainly dont mind it being a smaller list!! Has its benefits for sure! :D