MLP Riding Arena (from an old magazine)


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 7, 2005
I actually bought this magazine (it's an old magazine called Best, which dates from late 1987) for another article in it.

This is part of an 8 page article which shows how you can make toys for christmas - the only other things are to note is a Sindy Dress and Transformers playset.

That clothes pattern thing could come in handy!

How neat =) It's so fun to find old comercials and advertisements for ponies. It's fun to see that people in the media recognize the cute little things as well =)
Nice~~!! I love it, very interesting indeed! Thanks for showing!


Flutta pony drawn by me~~!
Thats really sweet, the members with young children should get them to make it. :D
OMG I love it!!! Pony show-jumping weeeee :lol: . How mean making the babies jump too :p
Wisp said:
That clothes pattern thing could come in handy!

Actually that is part of a "diy kit" for an outfit for a Sindy Doll, I couldnt scan the mlp article without including that.

Thanks everyone for their comments :)