Mlp Nintendo Switch game and my g5 collection so far

my little pony collector

I was born in the reboot 80s
Aug 29, 2017
Got the g5 my little pony game on Switch today I'm excited to finally getting to play it
Ps: Please don't mind the dog hair shedding season lol

Bonus here is my g5 collection so far
Nice! I had no idea they made a game
Enjoy the game! I haven't finished it yet but I found it quite enjoyable, even if it was made for a younger audience :)
What! I had no idea. I may need that game. Great collection!
I'm so tempted to get the Switch game (I don't even have a Switch) just because the cover is so cute and pretty. And omg is that the MLP promo Amazon box? In actual nice condition and not beaten up in transit? Cause that is so cool