MLP Mention on GSN's Whammy


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
Oct 7, 2005
Today's rerun episode of Whammy had one of the players talk about a bidding debt they had to pay off and it was for a MLP auction (which, based on her mentioning as odd leads me to believe she is not a collector but probably won it for her sibling). Unfortunately, the show only airs at 9:00/9:30 AM on weekends and there isn't any other MLP mention in the episode so unless you like game shows, it probably won't be worth waiting for the ep to air again (The episode features Kate, I think Adena, and Matt). If you have GSN (Game Show Network) and some way to record it (best bet to avoid missing it) it's on that channel. Anyway, just thought I'd pass that to you all.
Ahh I totally saw this episode a few year ago! Do I ever love the GSN. It was so cool to have a mention of ponies!