

So Soft Pony, So hard to clean
Oct 17, 2014
Does anyone here play this thing, I just recently decided to start playing again.
Now you will never do chores. Ima pinch you.

I don't get that whole Minecraft thing. My niece went on and on about it and I was more lost when she was done explaining it then before she started. I guess I am getting old. Say where did we put Pong? Off to check the dusty garage shelves. The garage was taken over recently by Space Invaders. Pew Pew Pew is right.
Back in the day, after a busy day working for Mr Slate at the rock quarry, my brothers and I were the most popular kids on the block because my oldest sister Cindy bought us a Radio Shack pong game. It had two other games, who knows what they were. But man, everyone wanted to play!

Look how far the games have evolved. It's incredible.
I often play PE until the new update. It sucked. The older controls were easier to use...
Yes I agree as I have seen the evolution of video games from its infancy. Its amazing where we are with games. I still remember saving quarters to go with my late bff to the corner store to play Mrs. Pac Man. Not only do I wish she was still here with me, but I would love to play Mrs. Pac Man with her again. My parents would not allow the video games in our home so, I spent most of my time playing them at friend's houses. LOL

I really enjoy Houston's Arcade Expo because I get a chance to play all those old systems again. They also have rows and rows of plain pin ball machines too. Its noisy but its fun.
And here I am wondering if they ever made a Pac Man Jr game LOL
I played that on one of my cousins phones the controls weren't any good.
Because of your huge manly man hands maybe.
I play the PC version sometimes, if enough people here played it I could make a server for the forum
The only downside if I was to make a server is it would only be online if I turned it on so there would have to be like a schedule of when it was online
I never play online always looked like to much trouble. I might join if some one makes a server.
I am putting server up. Please, wear the G1 Skins I made *shameless promotion lol* as this takes place in G1. Its on creative mode though so pegasi can fly lol