Marquis De Sade


"You're doomed! You're all doomed!"
Nov 27, 2007
Born in the 1700s in France, Marquis De Sade wrote highly erotic and violent stories. Napoleon ordered his arrest and also held public burnings of his book 'Justine.'
In short, he was arrested and punished for being a writer.
Most of his books survived, however his eldest son burned all his father's remaining unpublished manuscripts after his death.... how depressing.

(I got the pattern for his coat from a stock on Deviantart)

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Thanks ladies :)
Brilliant - i love the colour scheme, it would have been way too easy to go black all the way but the predominantly red shades add to the effect I think. *steals his cravat thingy*
The three colour thing works great together.. I love his sinister grin :p
Really awesome piece of work. I love how he looks kind of demented.
Thanks everyone :)
mmm...the original artist of ...things that can't be mentioned on a family friendly forum *ahem*

Very yummy job Willow, I like it!
mmm...the original artist of ...things that can't be mentioned on a family friendly forum *ahem*

Very yummy job Willow, I like it!

I think we can mention the word 'sadist' comes from him, without getting into trouble. :tongue:
And thanks!
Oh wow, he looks so sneaky and devious! Up to no good! :O Sort of scary, but very well-drawn!! :]