Looking for Care Bear Coloring books and other items

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Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
May 6, 2010
I'm in search of care bear coloring books. I want to make copies just for using at my son's 2nd birthday for coloring. As he's pretty sweet playing with my old Funshine and Share Bear. Seriously cute.

It would be nice to find some Birthday or Party related pictures. Even the kids meal toys or key chain bears. I need them for 4 children.
I'd pretty well be interested in a number of care bear items. If you have anything please let me know.

His Birthday is this month.

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Thanks All :)


I don't have any coloring books sorry, but google has lots of coloring pages for care bears here is a link....


hope that may help you out :satisfied:
Sunnie: Special Thanks to you. Actually, I'm actually hoping to find some BIRTHDAY/Party
scenes or something. I want to transfer on to butcher paper (meaning we will be tracing it) so they can color the table. If anyone knows where ones like that are online it would be Much appreciated.

Thank YOu Again :) I'm sorry I just saw this his weekend is this Saturday and Some of these will be nice. Now if I could just find a cute colored graphic with care bears and Ice cream for his sundae station. We are assigning ice cream flavors to the care bears , just a few though as him and mommy LOVE Ice Cream.
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