Lets See Your Monster High Girls !!

I got her today! uploading a piccy now!

my only problem with her is her glued down hair style. anyone know if I'll completely ruin her hair if give her a little make over? I know I won't like... 'ruin' it... but I'm afraid her bangs will never lay right again if I send her to the beauty salon. will her hair respond to the ususal straws and bobby pin curlings that MLP nylon hair does?
need a better pic... my phone was being a butthead

aaaaand... I just ordered clawdeen.

I'm so excited! I just got some extra cash so tomorrow or monday I'm going out to finally pick up first release of Frankie! :D I know of 1 walmart that still has her but I'm going there Monday if I can't find her tomorrow :D
Wow these dolls are lovely. I want one now too!
I have never ever heard of these dolls before. They are really cool! Thank you for posting pictures, everyone. They were neat to look at! I may have to research more into these. They're a really neat idea for dolls.
I have never ever heard of these dolls before. They are really cool! Thank you for posting pictures, everyone. They were neat to look at! I may have to research more into these. They're a really neat idea for dolls.

Ya i know! Since I found this thread I have been looking at them online, and am now planning a trip to Toys R US to see if I can snag one of them. Maybe I can buy some for sale at the tp... hmmmm
clawdeen came!

her chin is messed up, though. her head wants to tilt upwards, and she has an odd protrusion under her chin right by her neck joint. wish I had looked at her more carefully before opening the box and discarding it!

I just went to Target today and decided just to go look to see if they had these dolls, the shelf was absolutely FULL of them. If anyone is looking for these dolls, I highly suggest checking out your nearest Target.
my target has like, 10 frankies, 1 lagoona, 3 dracularas, and 2 cleo/deuces.