Let's see your Dolly Mix Show-N-Tells!


I tooadally promise it'll be toooadally fun!!
MLPTP Supporter
Aug 27, 2008
Between MLPTP member miss, an ebay auction, wysteria at the MLP fair, and Ringlets (arena) I'm down to "needing" only Shady, Minty, and Princess Sparkle!

I found these little display boxes in a dollar store. The cubes are a tad too small for some of them, but it works okay. Still need to tidy up their "bag hair" but... :)

love that display! I have 4 dollymixes and I think I've been bitten by the bug!
but. must. save. money!!!

I'll take pics of mine when I can lol
I just got Snuzzle from Ristvak *hugs her* and I am still drooling over her.
Fems! Rock-on! Cute little things, excellent display..wow!
I love your display DBM! Thanks to Miss, I only need 10 more, plus the G3's... I'm addicted too. This pic is pre-spa, they look all pretty and shiny now :)
Such little cuties! They display really nicely in those boxes.
I bought my first 4 dollys yesterday on ebay for a BIN of 3,50 pounds- can't wait for them to arrive =)
My girls are visiting the salon right now, but I'll get pics taken as soon as they're presentable.

I didn't participate in miss's offer, but I've managed to scrounge up a handful or two thanks to some lovely Arena members =)

Roxie tried to steal Applejack when I was brushing everyone's hair >.< -pops her on the nose-

Just need to get ahold of Sweetie Belle and Gusty and then I'll have all my Dolly Mix wants -swoons-

And I didn't even realize til I was styling everyone's hair...

I can has rainbow? LOL.
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I just realized I have all of them but they're all still in their baggies, so they don't photograph well. ^^;

DBM - I am jealous of those little display cases! You said they came from a dollar store? Can I ask which one? They'd be great for petites and mommy charms too!
Lookit all that teeny tiny dollymix cuteness! Rainbow girls, too LOL.

MORE!! Oooh maybe I'll stage a Dollymix takeover of the Petite's castle... hmmm... "The king takes back the colonies" rofl

Skeen, it was Dollar Tree, but I'm sure I've seen similar in either (or both) AC Moore and Michael's, and I'm guessing any of the "big" craft stores would have something like them, in the section where they have unpainted wooden shelves and what-not. (I happened to be looking for the light-up sparkle fakie that, a while ago, someone mentioned finding at a DOllar Tree. None of the DTs around here have them!!! But booyah! they have the little shelf things LOL)
Wohoo Dollymixes!
I ordered mine through miss and managed to trade the ones I didn't want for the ones I did to end up with the exact set of ten I wanted :D


Family portraits!

Birds eye view

I have the G3 dollies but I never took the hair out of the elastics, first thing I id when I got dolly gusty (my love) was take her hair out and wow is it long O_O I kind of don't know what to do with all that hair!
they all look great guys! DBM - lovin the display!
They look so adorable together, I love those pictures!
If there were also petite pony versions of them it would be even more perfect :D
Man those are cute and Gustopolis, I love the pics. They almost look like the baby ponies have dolly ponies. I guess they do :icon_smile_lachuh:

Ris - you can has rainbows. That made me laugh.

I also love the displays DBM.

Very cute pictures.
What a perfect display for them :rose3:

I have all 20 but no photos yet they all need some serious styling and then I need to figure out how to display them . . .
Oh they are so cute, at first I didn't really like them but the more I saw of them, the more I want them :bliss:

I'm so in love with AJ, (s)he's just the cutest in that size and pose <333 *le sigh*
Gusty's pretty darn cute too, sitting down, although it remind sme of a fakie my mom bought me years back ^^

Either way, too d*mn cute and I love all your pics :blush:
loving everyones pics i have a few but not taken any pics yet being in the uk i should of had the opportunity to buy them but i havent seen them that much and the ones i purchased were duplicates darn it lol.

ive got hearthrobs', tictactoes', mintys' cotton candy, glory, and mainsail. going to have to see if i can hunt down the others really want a moondancer or a powder that sitting unicorn pose is really cute.