Let's see YOU! pic thread

Obs I love ya babe you always make me smile:catmoon: and you look good in all your pics XD I need to save up and come down there to meet you in person

Bah!~Blushes~ I haz an extra room, especially for you love!
Firefly: OMG! GORJUSS! YAY LIZARD KISSES! Such a perfect, perfect facial structure. Your profile is STUNNING, and you have got such style. Such beautiful eyes, gorgeous skin and smile and I ove your haircut. Hot!

heheh thanks soo much :) * hugs* You just made my day !
i wasn't sure bout those pics :p
did they all work or just the lizard one ?:p


Taken a few minutes ago.

I destroy the world with eyeliner! And rivets.

Copy over from the halloween costume thread, because I love this picture so much


Me as the Absinthe Faery!
Lookin' great guys!

I soooo love your costume, Jasmine :)
*grin* thanks! I've had it for years now, but it was definitely epic this time around
adorable, Jasmine! I dunno whether to put up Halloween pics here...



My sister and her boyfriend forced me to this REALLY high tower, and this was the result. Me with my back to the wall, just waiting to get back down... :/
aw, despite the fact that you're terrified that's still a lovely photo, it looks like it should be an oil painting.

rotten picture of me, AWEsome picture of the new corset


Custom made for me and it's still uncomfortable as all heck, but that could be because I'm not used to wearing clothing with steel in it! But it looks so stunning i'm willing to put up with a bit of discomfort

and one of me and my friend Raven who made it for me


she was smart and wearing a waspie that night, meant she could move on the dancefloor and actually bend. Note to self : acquire one of those things...
OMG OMG OMG! JAS LOOKING GORGEOUS AS ALWAYS! You look so STUNNING in that!~Does a total jaw-drop~ WHOAH.

Halloween pics.




Other randomness.



And these are actual vintage 1940's/50's dresses


And I STILL hate posting pics of myself so thusly only in costume again.

OMG OMG OMG! JAS LOOKING GORGEOUS AS ALWAYS! You look so STUNNING in that!~Does a total jaw-drop~ WHOAH.

*grin* thanks! But it's all Raven's handy work, she's an incredible seamstress!
Love the corset LadyJ! <3 And gorgeous pics as always obs, you always look amazing <3

Here's me on Halloween :D

Love the corset LadyJ! <3 And gorgeous pics as always obs, you always look amazing <3

Here's me on Halloween :D


Va Va Voom! very pretty. That's an awesome hat.

hee! I'm so still getting used to the corset. I wore it out Friday and Saturday night and I still ache a bit two days later. Not used to clothing with steel in it! I couldn't even keep it on all of Saturday, had to take a change of clothes with me and switch to something more breathable halfway through the evening. But it did look lovely.

I agree Obs, you look lovely as usual...but you won't believe me. 'Cause ya never do.
WHOA!!! How did I miss these pictures!!?? Wonderful, wonderful!! I soooo need to get on the ball and get some new ones up...doing something fun...hrmmm....*puts on to do list*
Amaris! what a cutie! I want that hat!
You should make a skirt to match it...