"Let's go to the thrift store where we never find anything!"

And I don't know how you two know each other...

We met in 6th grade and have been inseparable since. :D That was, uhhhh, like 16 years ago?

My god, we're getting old.
We met in 6th grade and have been inseparable since. :D That was, uhhhh, like 16 years ago?

My god, we're getting old.

Mr. Johnson's 6th grade English class to be exact! You sat right in front of me, correct? I remember that I didn't like you at first because your super long hair was always spilling all over my desk! But that's cool since several years later I went with you to get it all chopped off!

For those of you who don't know us, Skeen and I have been collecting since before there was a pony community so, we are a couple of the old-timers around here. Ponies are what cemeted our friendship. We discovered in 6th grade that we each had ponies and before long, we were begging our mothers to take us to antique shops and flea markets to hunt for more! I think our combined collections are pretty drool-worthy!