Legolas!!! (many pics!)



Ok, he was sort of my big secret project for the Fair, but I can't keep him to myself any longer!

I recently re-watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy (extended editions with special features appendices; yes, I AM that big of a nerd! :p ) and it had to creep into my custom-making consciousness. So, of course, here is Legolas!







Everything is made from apoxie clay, except the bow string. The biggest pain? His hair. The sculpting was Ok, but the platinum blond color was impossible to paint. What I'm most proud of? Sculpted arrows. With fletching. :)

He'll be at my fair booth! :D
:486:what a hotty is all i can
WOAH! That is an AWESOME custom! Wish I was going to the fair :( :eevil::please:
I'd so commission you, because I don't do clay stuffz.
he is wonderful! You did an amazing job, he's eyes are stunning.
WOW, I am so in love with it. :hearts: I love the details and wish I had one. I NEED, I NEED. How long did it take to do? Will you be making more?
*insert fangirl squee here* He is so so so awesome! :love: Beautiful jorb! I want to go to the fair to see him in person. But

Edit: I had to do a pony macro! XD lol

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Thank you!

Mirakat - I'm not sure if I'll make another Legolas, he was pretty time consuming! Probably 20hrs or so of work. But I do plan to make Aragorn (as King) next!

Edit to add: Dragonchaser, that's awesome! :p (the pic hadn't loaded yet when I posted the first time!)
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Wow...what stunning work. I love the eyes.
I'll quintuple (or whatever we're up to now) that sentiment: I CAN SEE HEAVEN IN HIS EYES.

Oh wow, trillion! The only thing you could've possibly done to make him better would have been to sculpt an entire oleophaunt of orcs for him to bring down, lol! *dies* He is the handsomeness!!!
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I'm loving that idea of making a whole army of pony orcs and trolls and ohhhhhh, :eek:verlord:Ringwraiths. Can you go ahead and make the whole trilogy? That would be SOOOOOOOO cool!!

LOTR is the best:nod:
oh my goodness that may be my favorite custom like... ever!!! he is amazing :O wow...
Wow Trillion. Will you use a Big Brother for Aragorn or a G3? I can't wait...
What can I say, I love LOTR and I guess others here do too. I hope people will always remember and include those movies in their lists of "best ever made".

You have "best ever made" Legolas pony
:eek:mg::eek:mg: I LOVE HIM! He is so awesome! I can not even find words...he is just so fantastic! I can NOT wait to see Aragorn! I agree a whole scene made up of custom ponies acting out a scene from LOTR would be the greatest ever! Wow! Just Wow!

Dragonchaser your picture is the best! lol. too cute!
He's Awesome!!!!
Wow, that came out well. I love the detailing on the eyes especially.