Keeping hair skeins from tangling?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 17, 2005
I'm working on my very first rehair, and the actual rehairing is going smoothly but I'm having a heck of a time keeping my supply of hair from tangling up each time I pick out a bit to use. What do you all do to keep everything tidy while working?
Try wetting it down first. It might help somewhat to keep the hair apart.
I posted my tips for this on Aerte's post about removing parts! Check it out if your interested..


Use the twist ties that come with the hair to hold the hair that you're not currently using - I take out some hair to use then twist tie up the rest, the untwist and take another hunk of hair out when I run out. Hope that made sense. :D
Thanks everyone, i think wetting it will help. I hadn't thought of that. :)