Jewel's MD Meet Loot


MLPTP Supporter
Jun 6, 2005
What a great meet! :D I got some awesome stuff there, too!


Left to right, top to bottom:

G1 MLP Commercial cels
G4 happy meal box
Plush Firefly by Kar Red Roses
Wood cutout Firefly by Whippetluv
G4 Pinkie Pie bubble blower
G1 cup.. going to try some restoration experiments with that one!
G1 Dutch Candy (my first Dutch!)
G1 German Sternenglanz upgrade
MIP G1 UK Baby Ribbons and Hearts
G3 socks
G3 Ponyville playmat
G3 blind bags
G1 Cotton Candy McD's charm
Handpainted Rainbow Dash corkboard by Ristvak
G3 pencils
G4 Applejack
....and a few other odds and ends.


So soft upgrades :)


a GORGEOUS SS Firefly custom pair by Rowdy_Cowgril <3


G1 commercial cels


Corkboard by Ristvak


G1 upgrades :)

Thanks to all the great sellers and traders who helped me get these items! :D
Awesome stuff, Jewel!

I especially love the commercial cells. Who was selling those? That's awesome!

Ahh, beautiful Firefly So Softs, I love Rowdy Cowgirls' So Softs!!!

Pony pencils? A girl after my own heart, LOL! I love pencils!

Oh, I can't wait to see if you can do anything with the cup. I wish you luck- it seems to have similar plastic as the Show Stable- maybe you'll be able to help us all whiten our Show Stables!
that g1 cup is awesome. I have it too. I really wanted to buy a sterneglaz!! I have that removezit stuff I was telling you about. I think I still have your address saved in my ecrater store! Ill gladly send you some
So simply divine! Awww! So-soft divine! Everything! Mama Firefly with baby? That screams adorable!
oh my.... that is so cool... I wish I could be at one of those meets..... major congrats!:bounce: