I have officially seen it all --- A fakie with LIPS???

Playful Heart

Silly Monkey Friend
Jun 7, 2005
Has anyone seen this before? She came in a bag of McD ponies I picked up at the thrift store and I'm just beyond horrified. *ICK*



I will be getting rid of her and a bunch of other fakies that I've acquired. May be next week....
*hides under chair*Looks like a bratz knock-off..*decides the chair is not safe enough and crawls under rock.*
Dude...I almost PUKED when I first saw her!! LOL!!! I'm running away too!!!
She is kinda.... hum, interesting...I mean she has kissy kissy lips and look at those shoes? You sure she is a toy? *Scratches Head*
:scratch: I'm not so sure, but I HAVE named her Sugar Lips!! :icon_smile_lachuh:
LOL!!! What a silly looking pony! And she even has strappy little sandals!!!
LOL... I think she should say *give us a kiss* in a really common accent when you squeeze her!!! :p
Definitely made my indigestion worse lol.
That thing is hilarious!

You wonder about the people that design these monstrosities...
I think that would give every child a nightmare. But i must say... it could look worst.
lol she looks like... what might happen if the MLP and Bratz lines had a baby xD