Hula Lula and others


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 15, 2005
Has anyone NOT found the other Target exclusive babies, like Hula Lula and Lavendar Locket? I haven't found them at my Target yet.
Still looking for Charm Bracelet and Lavender Locket. :( None of the Targets I've managed to check have had them.
I just went to target this weekend (first time in about a year :!: ) and picked up some ponies. They had stuff that I can find at my walmart, with the exception of Snow-Glo (one of them!) and two baby ponies.

I went to check out the babies, and they are both packaged as "Hula Lula" but one is a white pony with a pail and shovel for her symbol. Who is this white pony, just a second edition of Hula Lula?? I picked up both, but I still wanna know if this was supposed to be like this or if they were mislabeled.
Well I work at Target and have not seen the 2 newest ones yet! Sandy Island and Hula Lula were plentiful at first, but more recently we've been getting in Penny Candy and Butterdrop :?: I had to hunt down my Hula Lula last week. I can't wait for the new ones(Lavendar Locket and Charm Bracelet) to show up!!! :D
I picked up a few sets

I picked up a few sets, but I haven't seen anymore since. I'm not worried tho. There are a ton of Penny Candy's and ButterDrops along with Hula Lula's and Sandy Islands. It's just a matter of time ;)
I found Charm bracelet and lavender locket at my target like a month ago and didn't buy them and now they're gone. :cry: But my target still has lots of Sandy Islands and Hula Lulas!
My Target still just has Butter Drop. It never even got in Sandy Island and Hula Lula or Charm Bracelet and Lavender Locket. They're building a new Target closer to me, though. I can't wait 'til it's open. Hopefully, it'll have a better Pony selection...and better employees... :roll:
I've seen Sandy Island and Hula Lula, but no Charm Bracelet or Lavender Locket yet! :(
Stupid my-Targets don't have 'em yet... >_< Of course, I haven't looked in quite a while, but last time I was in, they didn't have 'em. My Targets are sooo slow.
My Target just recently got Hula Lula and Sandy Island. No signs of Charm Bracelet and Lavendar Locket yet.
I havent seen Charm Bracelet or Lavender Locket at Target stores around here yet. I always see tons of Penny Candy and Butter Drop and it took my Target stores months to finally receive Hula Lula and Sandy Island. So Im guessing it will be awhile before Charm Bracelet and Lavender Locket show up around here.
okay, this might sound weird but.. did you ONLY look by the toys? because.. at my target, the baby ponies were NEVER with the others. They are always at the checkstands; not with the candy but across from it, there's a bunch of random "impulse" items. there's some Polly Pocket stuff and Yu-Gi-Oh or whatever, and on the bottom shelf of each one, hiding towards the back is a small rack of ponies.

My target still has all six babies, the ones I've seen LEAST are Lavender Locket and Charm Bracelet. When I got them, I found about ten Lavender Lockets, but only two Charm Bracelets. and lots of the other four.. I've had those two for about a month now?
My Target is Charm Bracelet and Lavender Locket-less. ; ; I'm still checking!
I found charm bracelet and lavender locket yesterday at my Target. I only saw 2 sets so I grabbed them

I find Hula Lula/Sandy Island on the rare occasion, but they are out there. Still 95% set 1, though. I have NEVER found the new ones, so we are stuck between wave 1 and 2...not fully to 2, not even close to 3! I'm hoping I can find them, but the trouble is, they all have the same DPCI! Targets can't tell them apart, so when they order them/put them out, they really have no idea which they are getting. That is nice for their system, but when you need a specific thing, you either have to hoof it over there to look, or trust that the person you are talking to on the phone is actually physically looking.

I actually just found Hula Lula yesterday, but since I have them, I didn't pick her up. SI has been easier to find, but I just want to SEE the other two!
I'm going to ask my boyfriend to go check out a diff target with me that's a little out of the way. Maybe they'll be there, I've gotten a lot from there. Wish me Luck!