HUGE brags! lots of free stuff!!



so me and my boyfriend went to a goodwill today upstate from us, and there i found a Grams Bear Care Bear for $5, and a glo-worm for $1.. aw4esome! not too bad.. not amazing but hey, one more care bear close5r to my having all the 80's ones..

question, is grams bear suppsed to be huge? o_0 shes bigger than the regular care bears .. by quite a lot, lol..

then we went to super wal mart! i found the styling rainbow dash and pinkie pie! i check the prices.. just to see hey maybe i can see if they have more in a backroom? ( ie oou? rarity?) but no.. but i se that theyre $7 each.. go t them!! both! jsut need rarity and cheerilee! hehe...

then me and my bf were driving home.. fa la la and on the side of the road he spots a rather colorful set of garbasge bags, and we drive by again.. and he grabs them cause im too shy to do so.. and its a BUNCH of 80s plushes!!! what was in the bag?

Rainbow brite HUGE plush/vinyl
Patty O Green plush/vinyl ( large)
baby brite large plush/vunyl
kitty brite plush, large
puppy brite plush, large
bright heart raccoon plush
tiny-tiny bedtime bear plush
LOTS of CPK clothes ( for trade, dont want them!)
12' sprite twink
12' sprite dee-lite
12' purple sprite ( hammy?)

small purple popple, pink tuft of hair, pink/blue ears
huge dark purple popple orange tuft, blue/pink ears

a LOAD of pony brushes, princess one, a teddy bear one, , a whale one.. etcetc bunches more.. and.. a BIG BROTHER HAT! mint!! its the " PONY R.R." one.. steamer's? hehe.. i am so happy bout this! heh.. whatcha think?

all taht stuff.. FREE!!!! ^_^
Yes, that's Steamer's. That is amazing! Dosen't finding pony stuff (and other 80's stuff) rule? Recently I found 3 ponies on the side of the road(baby quackers w/duck suit, baby glory w/necklace and baby leaper w/bandana) all mint, and it was so awesome! Huge congrats to you, I know how exciting that feels!
Awesome! I never thought of grabbing stuff like that! Kewl find! :D