How well is your S.O. trained?


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
MLPTP Supporter
Oct 7, 2007
I know that sounds so wrong. But has your S.O. heard so much about your collection or listened to your rants about "Pony X" that he/she can name some of them? Mine can. I went hunting through my stuff in the garage looking for stuff. I still can't find my Baby Quackers who has gone MIA for some reason. *shrugs* But I did find my sea ponies and in them was a Rarity from one of the shower packs. So when he got home I showed him all the stuff I found. And when he saw Rarity he said "Is that Rarity from the shower pack?" He's trained so well. He's gone pony hunting with me and he knows what one I am looking for. Like the mad hunt we did finding the Valentines Ponies. And he knew that I did not want Pinkie Pie. So what about the rest of you? Is your S.O. trained?
Apparently I'm very well house trained. I don't leave huge messes laying around, and have been known to clean dishes, cook, sew, and fix the toaster.

On topic, I have known about MLP since the 80s, mostly due to a friend that lived near-by. Now that I live with FantasticFirefly my knowledge of MLP has increased. And I'm sure that in the future that knowledge will only increase.

My favorite thus far is Moondancer.
My fiancee cannot name any ponies or anything, but he looks for them when we go out to yard sales or thrift stores. Actually he is looking for the anniversary rainbow pony set for me at the moment. Which i think is sweet. He told me, if you find them first, call me so I don't pick you up an extra set. Hahahaha
My husband has described Mimic to his Mom and told her to look for that pony at garage sales! He is pretty well-trained. He knows a few of their names, and is really proud of the fact that he bought me my first G3.
He's really good actually, we went to a meet and he got more points then me and won a pony.
Although he does go on and on about when I die how he is going to be in the money.
My husband is really good about the ponies now. When we were first married, I think he almost had a heart attack about how many I had. lol now he knows and is good with the fact. He still can't get over what some cost or are worth. on Sunday I also went into my garage to find a box of ponies that I've had in there since we moved to this house. (couple years ago lol). I found it and brought out the ponies in 3 trips of filling up one of those XXL Zip Lock bags (those Giant ones). I found lots I was missing and I had them all over the family room floor. My hubby didn't even say anything about it. I was surprised.

Overall really he's been great, when the first G3's came out he bought me every single one he could find, and bought me them for holidays and everything. He even bought me the castle right when it was first released. I think the only thing that really annoys him is the sheer mass of the playsets and how many I have. lol

I think HASBRO's marketing strategy may actually be working.
The only pony my husband knows by name is Pinkie Pie - lol.
Heheh, my boyfriend knows the important ones, like Rapunzel. I can point to her and he can tell me that she's the first one to go when I can't pay the mortgage. Other than that, he likes to say "Tink a Tink a Too" for some reason. It comes out "dirkadirkadirkadoooooo" like a rooster.
Hmm... I'm not sure what my bf does or doesn't know, I've never tried to train him in the ways of the Pony. But he does go hunting with me, b/c I go hunting with him, usually it can be done together, anyway... and if he sees anything I might be looking for, he calls me over. He gets so excited too! hehe

The other day i was looking for the V-day tubes and ponies.. he was so excited that he found tubes... but they were Christmas minty ones. I've had them since last year... he was so disappointed. :D He's a good guy... ^_^
Mr Sebby is incredibly well trained. He can name several and he knows the difference between Nirvanas, fakies etc.
He gets up early Sunday mornings to take me to the fleamarkets and he drives me to TRU on demand:)

He's also figured out to look at my online wish list for birthdays presents - oh - and not to mention my "engagement ring" Baby Minty!

This year he'll be attending his 4th convention - in 3 contries lol
My husband could care less about them, but he does know a few. He knows Anchors Away because he's helped me pick her up a few times when we lived in WA. And he also knows the G1 Rapunzel because he told me his cousin used to have her. Hmmm...wonder which cousin? :surprise:
My boyfriend grew up in a house with 3 boys and a mom who was barely there at all, so definetly had a hard time adjusting to having ANYTHING girly around when we first moved in together. But he quickly realised that although I was willing to put away my pink throw pillows, the ponies weren't going anywhere. He doesn't really know anything about them and doesn't want to. He just tolerates their presence. I doubt he could even tell a baby from an adult hahaha.
Hahah! This is such a cute thread!
My hubby is pretty well trained. He even knows the difference between a stolen mold fakie and a real MLP. Although the Brazilians, Mexicans, No Countries are confusing. Heck they confuse me! ;)

He knows I have the second M.O. Scoops tucked safely away in storage that I won in a lot on Ebay a couple years ago that had *two* of them!!! :D He brings her up every time I say something about an expensive international or something.
He drives me to the TRU's, Targets, Wal-Marts and the one last K-Mart I know of. He's known to stop at a random yard sale or thrift shop if I say, "I smell ponies!" He knows the name of some. I think he fav. is Princess Rinse N' Spit, even though she's a fakie. He know's I have one of those two and asked if that jewel on her head was supposed to light up.
He'll even give the Ponies their own room again, when we get a house, if I let him have his own game room. Who could say no to a guy who let over 400 ponies, playsets, fakies, and other MLP items in to the house! Plus he can cook, sew, & loves my cats! :D

My husband can ID about 30 G1 ponies on sight, and can name about 30 more. He can tell a fakie from a real pony 98% of the time, but can't tell a SHS from a G2. He finds better deals on eBay for ponies than I do, and most of my collection is due to him.

His favorite pony is Ice Crystal, and he really likes Nirvanas. That's gonna make it easier to collect them! He especially likes South American ponies, because regular US ponies are "boring." :)
It's amazing to see some of these posts. My fiance and I make flea market runs when the weather is nice and it's not right now. He keeps his eye out but he doesn't know what all I have and don't have so he usually sees one that I already have. :/ Every now and then I call him when I am at work and ask him to bid on something I am watching and then he coaxes me into bidding on another pony the seller has. That's how I got the Mermaid Baby. I think I have mine trained to well...
LOL! Great topic!

My boyfriend likes to play the "my little what?" card. My room at my mom's is QUITE pink and filled with ponies and I just think he can't handle the estrogen. He's very, very much and testosterone-fueled frat boy. It's all about football and manliness to him.

He just ignores the obsession and pretends he can't see the ponies. :p Boys are weird!
My boyfriend has a younger sister, so he grew up with the cartoon and reading annuals and stuff. He and I used to sing MLP songs together before we were dating - heck, it was one of the reasons we DID start dating, LOL! He loves that "By time tomorrow, the big brother ponies, the big brother ponies will ariveeeeeee!" song.

He also got me the Target Valentines ponies for Valentines 2 years ago (I live in the UK so he must have ordered them), and LAST year he got me the ponyville Valentines tubes. For Christmas, I think it was, or my birthday, or something, he got me MIMIC!!

So, he's well trained. He was even sad when I said he can't come to the Bristol MLP Meet! (he still might, though... he's a dork and, though stupidly shy, loves meeting other nerds) and he's definitely up for the UK con this year :D

Wow, all of you are so lucky! I've only ever had one BF (I'm a guy...) who I felt comfortable telling, and even then I was nervous. Then he tried to commit suicide and that was over, though... so I guess he was just always crazy and a few plastic horses didn't matter.

Gay people are even more judgmental than straight people, I think. I've seriously considered selling half my collection for the space and even quitting entirely just so I won't scare guys away! In the end, gay guys are still jerks and ponies will never judge me... so I'll keep them my little secret from everybody.
My fiance actually trained me in the fine art of toy shopping. We usually are out together on our shopping excursions. He gets as excited as I do when I find new ponies. He keeps up on what ponies I need and checks my sections when he's out by himself.