$ Price Check $ Hot Air Balloons for G3s


Nov 3, 2007
I have recently come across 2 hot air balloons for g3 ponies. I do believe all pieces are there. What if anything do these sell for?

thank you
i know they came with a pony(I bought one for my niece a few years ago). I am not even sure what it came with other than that. It looks like all the balloon pieces are there.
There were two of these that came with a pony and then they were released again with a bonus Breezy, IIRC... but I don't think it came with anything else besides the ponies... I don't have them, though, so I don't know.

I think they were $15 new? Somewhere around there.
I personally don't think they are very sought after. I would say $1 - $2. You mostly find them sold amongst other items in LOTS on eBay.