holy cow! look at this porcelin.. my first one!!

I would definitely say so! That's a beautiful figurine. Congrats. :D
really? thanks so much.. i just saw it and bin.. i dont have any porcelins.. but i have one now!lol.. thanks

OOH, thats cute, I would like a porcelain, but I would worry it would get damaged while it is being shipped. BethyVic
Holy :fillintheblank: lol! You got that at an excellent price! Those usually go very high. Big congrats!
thanks guys!! i always wnated one, but i never could afford one. bethvic, i really hope the seller packs it carefully!!

i have that same one, a good friend of mine traded me for it, that one is funny because cherries jubliees symbols are upsidedown.... i wonder how they didnt catch taht
Congratulations on the great price, what a find!! :woot:

I have seen the Frolick in the sky figurine a few times on ebay before and I dont think it has gone for less than $40-50, as Tikibirds said. I have 4 porcelain figurines myself and they all made it in one piece on their long way from USA to Norway :)