Holy Carp! You just have to see what I got for 20 cents!!!



Look what I got on ebay for 20 cents! I couldn't believe that no one else bid on this baby! Can you believe it! So I know she is a rare figure...but anyone know value? Oh and I will have to replace baby glory's horn...but its a small flaw for only 20 cents! Horray!!!!
oh....my...god....I have been looking for that FOREVER! and for 20 cents?! Wow...next time u pony hunt take me with you...I'd say you got an awesome...no I can't even explain it...okay one hell of a deal. great job! Thats one of the rarest porcelain scenes I've heard ;)
That's just incredible...I'm truly in shock, and in such great condition! I do searches for those all the time, and they are always so pricey, but you really lucked out, I can't believe it! lol
WOW :shock:
Those usually costs $50 +
I want that one! It's so cute!

*sneaks into your house to steal it while you're sleeping* mwoahaha ;)
That's amazing hon!
One reason why no one bid on it, probably, is because it was probably hard to find in the first place!

I'd never have thought to look in a category like that o_O; I don't know how to navigate through many sections. But congrats hon. That's an awesome win!

I'm hopin' I'll get one figurine some day ^_^
Wow that the price is great :shock: Well done. It would be fantastic, if everything from MLP would be cheap like this.

Wow! Fantastic win! That is one I dream of getting one day, as it has Moondancer on it! *is jealous*
Uh, yeah... since when did Disney do MLP?
She's lucky YOU found it lol!
Wow! Awesome win! Congrats! :)
Wow, thats cool. Would be a perfect trade for my lost items...
that's awesome whippet, what a great find!
WOW~~!! That is beautiful, hunnie! What a darling piece, *sighs pleasantly*.


Flutta pony drawn by me~~!
pony porcelain

Argh! That is one LUCKY find.
I need more luck like that LOL