Hi everyone!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jan 25, 2016
Old collector, new forum member (though I feel like I was here years ago... maybe not).

I'm in my late 20s and have collected G1 ponies since childhood. I'm hoping to soon expand my collection of Petites, specifically. :) I never really stopped collecting ponies. I've always picked them up at flea markets and thrift stores when I've seen them (even when I wasn't actively collecting).

As for other gens, I only have a couple of Gen 2s I've found at flea markets. I somehow ended up with a few Gen 3s in the mix, as well (most are NIB, not sure how that happened) and I casually collect G4 blind bags.

I also have small collections of vintage Littlest Pet Shop, In My Pocket and I'd really love to get more into collecting Fashion Star Fillies.

As for the rest - I live on the east coast of the US, have a bunch of real life critters running around and can't wait to get to know everyone! :)
Hi it's great to meet you :D Your herd of ponies sounds a lot like mine, I started out all G1 & the 2's & 3's just sneak in. So far only the one G4 though

I've got a swarm of fur babies large & small as well. I can't wait to see your ponies & critters :)
Welcome and greetings from Finland^^. I also collect g1 ponies. Your herd sounds lovely :3

I hope you enjoy the forum :)
Greetings and hello's! I am Michelle Lysyk from Calgary, Canada! Enjoy pony!
Welcome to the board! It's wonderful to have you here. You'll have to show us pictures of your critters, we love da critters!
Yay its super nice to meet you. I love LPS too. I have bins of them and I can't resist them when I find them at thrift stores. I am also super fond of the Petites. I could have 6 of the same pony. They are super cute and fun to display.
Thank you for the warm welcomes!

Hopefully I'll have some photos up of my collection soon, as well as my critters!

I'm trying to work on getting everything a bit more organized right now (everything is hanging out in totes) and figure out which ponies I have doubles of that I could trade off and such. :)