Hey look at all the fun posties that I got from Nadia

That is awful. Man I would have been so upset to witness that. What that teen doesn't know is in Texas we have a very strict assault charge. If a person just shoves another person they can be charged with assault and go to jail. I am not sure what it is for their age, but I know that they will face a judge if the family presses charges. The parent also faces a charge. Maybe that is the best lesson for both of them. I have seen parents like this in stores. It amazes me that a parent would allow their child to hurt someone else and do nothing. Sounds like two narcissistic aliens have hit the planet again.

Are they from Planet Turkey-Nurkey? Or Planet Butt-Bun?
I'd love to run over that woman's toe with the shopping cart and say. Oops! You were in the way.
I'd love to run over that woman's toe with the shopping cart and say. Oops! You were in the way.

I am dying laughing so hard on this one.

Yesterday we went to Target. We were just talking. (r2 and me) and the man with the baskets all in a tidy row turns around and yells "you just wait a minute!!!" I am like what tha???? R2 is a much calmer individual. He suggests the man is just not very good with customers. I am ready to slap him. Something catches my eye though and I can't stop looking at it. The back of his pants were all wet in in bum area. He turns around and the front is all wet. I stood there stunned. I tried as hard as I could to not be loud, but I am poking at R2..poke poke poke..."why are his pants like that?" R2 looks at the guys and is stunned. "ummm, he says, I dunno." Oh come on give me your best and craziest idea as to how this would happen. It wasn't coffee. One doesn't see this every day and I am really wondering if he spilled something so I start poking R2 again. "Did he spill a drink?" R2 looks at me as we walk past the man with wet bum and more into the store. "I have no idea, I don't want to think about it." I mean the guy didn't seem to care at all that he was walking around like that. Poor R2 the thought that the guy may have has some horror of an accident was just something his mind wasn't willing to discuss. LOL

Will someone please tell me he doesn't need a diaper?

And don't say to me, "well that depends!"
I have no idea why. Perhaps he was embarrassed about it?

It depends? I see what you did there @tulagirl
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How can he be pushing baskets, yelling at the customers and drinking a soda and be embarrassed. When I am embarrassed I hide. I am confused.