Here Comes the Rain Again


Current Glory Army: 103; Minty Army: 63
Oct 8, 2008

This is an old antro character of mine from last year when I used to play on KenoPets. His name is Fahan, and he's a griffen/hippogriff. He was a gladitorial fighter-where most of the abiuse you see on him came from-until he was beaten nearly to death and dumped, left to die. Somehow he recovered, though he lost hif right wing and eye from the ordeal, and he took up being a mercenary as his occupation.

Listening to Cruxshadows made me think about him again, and he's sorta modled after Cloud from FF:AC (sorry). I was also thinking he’d be an awesome custom pony to make, but that wing would kill me. Though I am tempted...

So I wanted to share him here because I love how this picture came out with his details. I haven't drawn that good of a feathery wing in years it feels!
:reaper: Kat :reaper: