Help with a New Persona


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
Jun 7, 2005
I'm finding myself wanting a new persona a lot, the one I normally have used is just not me. lol If anyone could help, I'd be super thankful! :)

Here are some ideas I've had:

*I really REALLY love the Sweetheart Sister Ponies, so I think I'd want her to be one.

*Favorite colors: Yellow, purple (any purple), magenta-pink, forest green (that tealy dark green color)

*My interests: I really enjoy walking around at night, or during the day outside. I love animals, especially cats, birds and fish. I love rain too

Can anyone help? ::bats my eyelashes:: pretty please? :D

Here, I made a modell of how she might look like.... Lineart is done by Whippetluv.. The mark is hard to se, but it´s a trail with black catmarks on it.... and gras and trees orund the trail....


Hope it´s what you are looking for... :)
oooo...I like her. I like the colors, but I think i'd like them better inversed. lol Yellow body w/ purple hair.

Do you think you could give me a larger picture of her symbol?? I really really like it, but am a poor artist. lol

Here is the version that you wanted.... you might have to smaller it down and fill in the white spots... shouldn´t be any problems.... I coulsn´t give you a picture of just the mark since I have problems with loading the pics on photobucket... don´t know why....


Enjoy.... :)
Oh wow!! She looks great!! I Looooove her! and ooooooo sparkles! Weeeeee, it'd be super if you could add them!! If you send me the picture via email, I can load it onto photobucket. Just send it as a file to MyHatBarks(at) :)

Now for a name...hmm...
Do you want gold or purple glitter? Or maybe even pink....

Going away for a couple of days, but I´ll put it here as soon as I can.... :wink: glitter... :shock:

heh I'd love pink glitter :D Oh and take your time!! You're such a sweetheart for helping me like this anyways! :)
he he... np...

Here she is with Gold Glitter:


Pink Glitter:


Purple Glitter:


I tried to send you the mark but your e-mail adress was incorrect.... can you wright it down again?

Love Canazta