Hello Everyone! :D


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Mar 31, 2015

I'm 22 years old and collected G3 ponies for probably 2 to 3 years while I was around the ages of 12-14. Life took over and my pony collection fell to the wayside, though my love for them still remained. Flash forward to last week- I am not really a fan of the Friendship is Magic cartoon, but I saw some blind bags at the store and *had* to buy them (I love little surprise-type collectibles like that).

Well, needless to say, my pony collection has begun growing again! In the past week I've bought three more FIM blind bags (I now have Sugar Grape, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Cloud Chaser, and Luckette), and three ponies off EBay- G1 Baby Moondancer (my first G1, unless you count two Big Brother ponies that were received as childhood hand-me-downs and are now unfortunately in poor condition somewhere in my old playroom), G3 Kiwi Tart (my avatar pic- she's lovely and just arrived today!), and G3 Sweetberry.

My previous collection is in a (known and safe!) storage area I can't access at the moment, but should be able to soon. That collection consists of:

G3 Bunches-o-Fun (Perfectly Pony)
G3 Coconut Grove
G3 Dibble Dabble (Super Long Hair)
G3 Fluttershy III (Sunny Adventures)
G3 Gardenia Glow (Perfectly Pony)
G3 Minty (2005 Winter)
G3 Misty Blue
G3 Rarity (no idea which edition, but I want to say Super Long Hair)
G3 Sand Dollar
G3 Silver Glow (my favorite pony so far!)
G3 Toboggan (2005 Winter)
G3 Tropical Surprise
G3 Waterfire (Shimmer Pony)
G3 Wind Drifter

This is all from memory so I may have forgotten some ponies!

Anyway, this post was probably too long, lol, but I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself! I'm very happy and excited to have found a community of folks who I can discuss my rekindled love of MLP toys with, especially because none of my IRL friends/family are fellow collectors- with the exception of my sisters, who only like FIM and don't share my love of the older gens. :)
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Welcome to the board! So glad you decided to join. You'll find lots of people to chat with about all gens here, not just FIM.

And never worry about telling us too much! We're super nosy. We wanna know everything!
Greetings and hello's! I am Michelle Lysyk from Calgary, Canada! I love your username and your avatar! Enjoy the board!
Welcome to the forum :). I'm glad you decided to continue your pony collecting hobby^^. Here you definetly can share your love for ponies ;). Hope to get you know you more :) and happy pony hunting!