[Heat #5] Desert Palm VS. Misty Blue

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Spoosh McSpoosh
May 26, 2005
(To read the rules and what-for for this, MARCH PONY MADNESS, please see the first Heat, linked to here)

Bunches-O-Fun ran away with the last heat from the start, and never looked back, the clear winner.

Drawn randomly, today's beef is between DESERT PALM, the tropical frond, and MISTY BLUE, the demure belle. ::scratches head:: Or maybe I just ate a thesaurus.



And below is the system of brackets that will help us follow the compeition, updated after each Heat concludes.


(You can view the past 2 completed Madness brackets here: 2004 competition; 2005 competition.)
I vote for MISTY BLUE. Love the colours white and blue.

Ah both are wonderful and DP does have the Swedish flags colours, hehe, but MB on the other hand is a white pony with no pink mixed into it, and that is worth a lot! :D
Desert Palm!! A, I have her, B, she was a present, C, I don't like blue, D, I love palm trees, E, her name is so pretty, F, I love her symbol, it's so cute!

If she wins, this will make 2/5 wins for my girls!! Candy Apple will beat 'em all, though. ;)

I really like misty blues colors, but desert palm seems like a prettier pony. Here colors are more happier and I prefer her pose.
My mom got me Misty Blue for Christmas and it was a TOTAL surprise! So I have to go with her. :)

Love the yellow/blue combination and pose.
this was a toughy! but i had to go with desert palm because her colors are brighter, her 3D symbol is cool, and misty blue had that annoying, greasy, impossible-to-style hair that the avon ponies had. >.<;;;



Hmmm...I like them both, but I'm going to have to go with Desert Palm. She's just so...tropical-y!
Aaaaah. This is a very hard one O.O
*staring at the 2 ponys trying to decide*
Awww, what a shame. I really like Desert Palm, but I had to vote for Misty Blue. Her name and colors are not 100% original, but she's very classy looking. I love her.

i don't have DP and i do have MB but i have to go with the bolder colored one.
I like Misty Blue, just 'cause she looks more like a G1...simple color scheme and simple design. I loved her when she first came out!
Misty Blue!

Desert Palm is cool, but I love Misty Blue's color combo - she's looks so sweet :)
O so tough!!! Two ponies that I actually love (and two of the few g3s I actually own)...

Misty Blue! No. Wait. Desert Palm. Um.....


I can't decide!!!!
I would have voted for Desert Palm, but I found out that the head and body color on my Desert Palm don't match! So I vote for Misty Blue instead! Misty Blue is pretty... I like her colors. Interesting thing is, this is the first time I'm voting for a pony I don't have. I've never seen Misty Blue around here... I'll have to eventually get her...
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