[Heat #22] - Silver Rain VS. Sweet Sparkle

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I voted for Silver Rain. I love the colourcombination blue and white. And her name is like music.

As much as I love, love, love Silver Rain's coloring, her symbol is botched. It's gaudy, overdone, and it just doesn't match her overall theme. Plus, it has that horrible printing, and you can see the pixels.

On the other hand, Sweet Sparkle is nicely designed. She makes pink and purple work. The glitter works well with her, too. It's like a sugary frosting. She's just awesome. ^_^
This was a really difficult one, but I had to go with Silver Rain in the end, simply because she's the only one I actually own. :wink:
This was an easy vote for me. Love the multi-blue hair, love the gradient coloration, love the symbol, love everything! My vote was clearly for Silver Rain!

I agree with Diet, that was harsh.
Silver Rain all the way. Her deep colors and gradient make her bold and jewel-like. I think Sweet Sparkle is quite pretty, but she doesn't stand out for me.

And yeah, Manimal, that was a little harsh. Everyone has the right to like whatever pony they may, that's why there's so many of them. Obviously you have every right to dislike Silver Rain...I'm not saying you don't have that right. But lighten up on her fans, please? I for one don't like ugly things.
Um, I think it was just hyperbole, ladies. After all, this is Madness. *resists the urge to yell "This is Sparta"*

Although I like them both about the same, I voted Sweet Sparkle simply because I like her pose a little better and because her symbol actually makes sense. Sweet Sparkle has a lolly and glitter. Silver Rain should have something silvery and/or rainy going on. It doesn't even have to be the typical cloud/drops thing... Puddles, umbrellas, wellyboots, a waterfall, a fountain (ooo.. a deerchaser would be neat), a slotmachine spilling nickels (?!)... Even a vague, abstract sort of swirly pattern would be more appropriate than a big red bow and gaudy streamers. *sigh* I just really feel than Hasbro dropped the ball on what could have been a really cool pony.
Harsh, huh? I'm not sure I was harsh enough! Does
Spoosh name this event "Library Voices Feeling-Sharing Time" or "MADNESS!"? It is March, and my opinions and pony loyalties are sharpened and ready to be thrust into the hearts of mine enemies! So I say it again, and this time even more harshly! I hate SR, and if she were in the hospitol from blood loss, and the only suitable match were me, and I just happened to have some extra blood already in a bag that would probably go bad before I ever got a chance to use it, I still wouldn't give it to her, because what does she need with blood anyway?! She's ugly!

If you disagree with me you have it within your right to tell me that I am a horrible person with invalid opinions.

Anywho, I voted for Silver Rain because I love the blues. =3

-- Edit --
Nevermind. I took a closer looksie.
I actually had to buy Silver rain because she's just so pretty. I do not collect MLP (minus a small herd of customs I've acquired), so yeah. She is teh sexay.
Because people seem to be taking my comments more seriously than they were meant to be taken, perhaps an explanation is in order. I was exaggerating when I described my feelings toward SR and her fans. It hadn't occurred to me that anyone would take such rediculous statements to be serious. I made them in the jocular spirit of rivalry. In reality, I have no ill feelings toward lovers of SR, but wish them only the best, rather, and all the copies of SR that their hearts could desire, though none for myself, thanks, because I really don't care for SR, personally--no offense.
Silver Rain, only because she's not loaded with sparkles, and I like her name.
I like them both, but Silver Rain has no tinsel! *nods* Yep, that's the deciding factor for me.

Silver Rain! I'm not in love with her symbol to be sure, but I love her colors.
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