Hasbro Thank-You Scrapbookers - look!


Singing Sea Pony
Jun 8, 2005
Hello, fellow Scrapbookers! The dealine is coming up soon, so I need to know where everyone is! Captains - please PM all of your zone members and REMIND THEM that the deadline is soon. Zone members, let's get booking! (Pardon the pun. ;) ) Please, everyone, let's make this good. Let's have AS FEW BACK-OUTS AS POSSIBLE! If you need more time TELL YOUR CAPTAIN! It's not a problem! :) Captains, if there's a problem, please lmk! Once you have heard from your zone-members, please give me an update! Either here or in PM, it doesn't matter. IF WE NEED TO EXTEND THE DEADLINE FURTHER, I NEED TO KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO AVOID CONFUSION! Thanks, everyone!


We are extending the deadline, due to the number of person's backing out. I realize that this is a trying time of year, and I do not wish to add pressure to anyone! Plus, I am offering the Arenians the chance to join, as well, being as I forgot about them (sorry!) in the first place, since I didn't generally post over there at the time. IF YOU HAVE BACKED OUT, BUT WISH TO STILL DO A PAGE DUE TO THE EXTENSION, PLEASE GET W/ YOUR CAPTAIN! And if you do NOT wish to continue, also get w/ your captain on that note!

The new deadlines are as follows:
Pages must be to your captains by JANUARY 15TH.
Captains are to have the pages to me by FEBRUARY 15TH.
If anyone has a problem with this, please get with your captain and your captain will inform me. We can work around it. :D

Anyone else wishing to join is welcome - please post here or PM me. :)



Please - help out w/ postage and the cost of the scrapbook! Details at the BOTTOM of THIS POST! Thank you!

Sorry - was waiting to hear from someone on an issue, but am posting anyway. Ok. We have 9 Zones, unless Canada wishes to divide into 2 - lmk! Captains - please PM me or reply here w/ your preference on your Zone members contacting you, whether via e-mail or PM! IF YOU PREFER E-MAIL, I NEED YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS TO GIVE THEM! Please contact me asap! Members then need to contact you, and you will need to give them your mailing address.

Alright - here are your Zones and Captains!

Zone 1 - California, Utah, Nevada, Washington
Captain - Lilithdrff

Zone 2 - Kansas, Texas, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Virginia, Ohio, Illinois, Alaska
Captain - myself (ajcoecoe)
Sailor Libra
SeaBreeze n Squeezer
Sweet Tune
Sea Glory
diet otaku

Zone 3 - Georgia, Alabama, Florida
Captain - princess 1221792003

Zone 4 - Pennsylvania, Maryland
Captain - MustBeJewel
Rabid Muffins

Zone 5 - New York, Massachusetts
Captain - Silverflame
Baby Boomba
Kar Red Roses
Diamond & Silly Song

Zone 6 - Canada
Captain - Misty

Zone 7 - Netherlands, France, Sweden
Captain - Llewella

Zone 8 - United Kingdom, Denmark, Slovenia
Captain - Mavi
Gloomy Mort
Baggins Lover

Zone 9 - Australia

Zone members, once contact is established w/ your captain, make sure you get their address. When you're finished w/ your pages, you need to mail them to your Captain. Your Captain will then mail them all to me, once she has recieved all pages in her Zone. CAPTAINS - it is up to YOU on what to do about shipping expenses to me. You can either just pay for it all yourself, or you can ask for donations from your Zone members. Shouldn't cost too much, though, unless you've got a lot of members. :)

1. Your pages must be 8.5 X 11. And please use nice scrapbook paper - do NOT use printer paper! We want this to look good pple!

2. You may have up to 3 scrapbook pages per person. And do NOT use the backs of your pages - keep it on the front, please.

3. You may use pictures, drawings, stickers, etc., but try to keep it as flat as possible - we have 52 pple signed up, and w/ up to 3 pages a person, it's already going to be a fat scrapbook! Yes, you can run your pages through the printer.

4. Obviously there are no curse words, obscenities, or complaints allowed. This is a Thank-You scrapbook, not a place to vent your frusterations on what you dislike about the Pony line.

5. Put your name, location (state or country is fine), and user name somewhere on your page(s). Age would be nice too, to show diversity, but is not necessary.

6. Be sure to THANK Hasbro! We are thanking them for a) bringing the Ponies back, and b) listening to and putting up w/ us hard-to-please collectors. ^-^

7. Be creative! And be neat - not sloppy. :) Do your best, and this will turn out great!

8. Finally, all pages must be to your TO YOUR CAPTAIN by January 15th. Captains need to have all pages to me by February 15th.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me. If you have established communication w/ your captain, take it to them. :) And if I have left anyone or anything out, lmk!

One last thing - I do not wish to get a cheap-looking scrapbook. I want to get a nice one, but I really don't have the money for one. If I can get some donations, we can send Hasbro the nicest-looking scrapbook ever seen! ^-^ Please - it would be appreciated. YOU CAN SEND DONATIONS W/ YOUR PAGES TO YOUR CAPTAIN TO HELP W/ POSTAGE FOR THEM, AND THEY CAN SEND THE LEFTOVERS ON TO ME FOR THIS! You can also send donations via PayPal to tarah_aj@lycos.com (just lmk what it's for!), and if you wish to snail-mail, PM me for my address. :) Thank you in advance!

Edit by Jewel: Stickied!
Will we be able to view each others pages somewhere? Will you be scanning them and putting them online? I would really love to see everything that went in, it would be good to see everyone elses take on it.
Ok, thanks for the update. Glad to see the page deadline was moved too. I think I can swing it this time. :D
Baggins Lover has raised a good point, I'd love it if all of these could be scanned! I'll glady scan all of the ones sent to me before sending them off; maybe we can ask for a gallery at the Arena to post them in? ^^

Anyone in my zone can email me at misty_warner_mlp "at" shaw.ca although PMs will find their way to me as well ;)
I can scan the pages sent to me, as long as I have permission to do so from the girls. :)
Having the mods scan them is a superb idea. ^-^ I couldn't imagine having to scan them all myself! o_O If mods could and would do so, w/ permission, it would be appreciated. :)

Thanks for stickying this, Lilith. ^=^

:oops: What do you mean by scrapbook paper? :oops: I've never done a scrapbook before, is it actually called scrapbook paper?
breezie said:
:oops: What do you mean by scrapbook paper? :oops: I've never done a scrapbook before, is it actually called scrapbook paper?

If you go to craft stores (like Michaels and JoAnns, etc) they have a section of Scrapbook materials. Acid-free Ligning-free papers, glues, etc, etc. They come in different colors, textures, all sorts of fun stuff.

Here's a link to Michael's Website, the Scrapbook page. It might be a little bit helpful.


There are also tons of websites out there dedicated to scrapbooking, tips, tricks, and all sorts of goodess.
Zone 3 - Georgia, Alabama, Florida
Captain - princess 1221792003

Email me for the shipping Address

Just a warning for my girls:

Zone 1 - California, Utah, Nevada, Washington
Captain - Lilithdrff

If you need my shipping address, please contact me ASAP. I'll be going into the hospital to have my baby any day now (or at least sometime within the next 2 weeks); and I don't want to miss any e-mails during that time.
ajcoecoe said:
I'll be praying for you, Lilith. :)

Doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon, lol, which is rather aggravating. I'll still have comp access and everything, but may just be a day or two delayed in getting back to people. In the meantime, i'm still here and fully available though.
Zone 2 - Kansas, Texas, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Virginia, Alaska

looks at zone list, looks at map, looks at zone list again

*wonders how alaska got grouped with south eastern US states*

off to email ya
I hope we don't HAVE to do 3, 1 has taken me long enough and has cost me a fortune!

I'm going to post it to show you here until we get some kind of gallery, and then hopefully mavi will let me know where to send it (can you PM me please mavi?)

I hope it's up to scratch with the US scrapbookers, it's a relatively new thing over here in the UK and I've only done a couple of pages before this one!

I haven't resized it to show on here as you wouldn't be able to make it out properly! It's here http://homepage.ntlworld.com/mookiecrafts/hasbroscrapbook.jpg

Let me know if it's ok.
You don't have to do 3, you can do anywhere from 1 page, to the maximum of 3 pages. :)

It's very pretty by the way.
moonfire - that's GORGEOUS! You did a fantastic job! First one done, I believe. :) At least, first one I've seen. ^-^ And Lilith's correct - you don't have to do three! ;)

Kar, thanks, :) And that's a fantastic idea! $1 or 2 sent to the Cptn. to help w/ Postage and the rest for the scrapbook itself. Brilliant! :D I think I'll put that below on the first post. :)

LOL @ Tiki - you were the ONLY one up there, so I figured you can send it to me. ^-^ Actually I meant to ask you whether you wanted to send it straight to me or be put w/ the Canadians - I just forgot. :oops: So lmk and we can revamp, if necessary! :D