G4 Has Anyone Found Wave 2 Water Cuties in the Wild Yet?


Crazy Crab Lady
Jun 25, 2013
I know they have been released on Amazon but has anyone seen them in stores yet?
(for reference I am talking about these)
Nah I can't say they have arrive to Finland ;) buuut I'm interested to know how those wings are attached.. Can they move?
They are currently in Mexico! Except that I didn't buy one :p I haz no Mexican money :p
Not in Texas yet. Of course, my store still has the little masked gala G4s, so I live in the past. I may never see these Ponies without going into a big future town that has cars and not horse pulled wagons.
Yes! I'm in the UK, found them in Tesco and I now own Lily Blossom and Blossomforth! I just need Rainbow Dash!
I have seen them in the UK also, both in Sainsburys and Asda, they seem to sell quickly!
Would you believe that last night we found these at my Podunk Walmart last night? We'd been to the big larger town of McKinney to get something for Poopsie's daughter's Christmas gift (a fabulous skull snow globe at World Market she told us about). We went to target hoping for Ponies. Nada nope. Stopped on the way home to buy some groceries and as always we went and checked toys. I had no hope of success at all and only sorta glanced at the shelves and said "Uh uh." Poopsie then reached out, picked up a Rainbow dash and says, "I don't recall seeing this one." I looked and went into a happy dance! I just looked right through them. I'm so glad she's more observant than I.

They're really cute, but the wings look very thin. I'll open one later and give it a review.
You have to shake them like a maraca to get any glitter action. The wings aren't really thick enough. Still pretty though.
I was just at my local supermarket here in Sweden (called Coop) and suprisingly they had them. Sweden, let alone that supermarket, aren't exactly fast with getting the latest in MLP stuff. So it was a nice surprise :p

Allthough adorable I didn't buy any of them. I feel the regular versions of Lily Blossom and Blossomforth will do just fine for my collection ;)
Out of all places, my Bealls carries them. I checked Walmart, Kmart, TRU, even Target yesterday. I stopped by Bealls and BAM. They were there. The wings look cheap, though. Cheap enough that if you sit on they, they explode
They're in my TRU store :p

And boy, they're ugly :L IDK why is it so hard to keep the normal body and just fill it with water and glitter, the wings are on the top anyways...

They didn't give Diamond Mint and Rarity huge glitter horns, so why must the pegasus have huge wings? :unsure:

If anyone's looking for em, lemme know. I'd be more than happy to help you out :p