Geocities is closing down - Older My Little Pony Sites Do you have one? Web Hosting?


Feb 27, 2007
Hey, everybody!

Yahoo has decided to close Geocities down. All websites there will be deleted by this summer. This is really bad news for the MLP community, because a lot of the older MLP sites are located there.

If you have a site at Geocities, save it now. I'm saving Ribbons n' Rainbows and Customizing 101. I haven't decided yet whether to upload them somewhere else, as I'm not sure how frequently they were visited.

I'm pretty sad thinking about the sites that will be lost because their creators are no longer active in the community. There's an archive project underway to save all these sites, but there's no guarantee they'll get to them in time.
Yahoo! did the same thing with photo albums last year and then brought them back. Maybe the same thing will happen here, but it's probably a good idea to save your pages elsewhere anyway.

I know I have Customizing 101 bookmarked and have referred to it myself, as well as referring several new customizers. :)
I think it's safe that they delete my old pages. They haven't been updated in years.....
I feel like I'm really immature for thinking that this is a terrible thing...

I mean, yeah, I haven't updated any of my pages for ages, but it's a nostalgia thing. A friend who doesn't even talk to me anymore...when we were actually best friends, we started a website that moved to Geocities about 7 or 8 years ago, so that holds a lot of memories for me. I also kept my old picture gallery up there with artwork that I'd done.

I didn't hear about this through e-mail, so I'm glad you posted this, Dava...but I'm still sad. I learned HTML to work with Geocities...aaah, memories. I know I will miss it :(
I am glad that you are sharing this news with us! I have been to the Custom 101 page several times and am sad to see these things go.:nodno:
Well this is the kick in the pants I needed... I didn't like the url for my site anyway but I've been to lazy to look for anything else. Any suggestions for safe free webspace?
I used to have a page with geocities. It has been so long now that I don't even remember the address. I wish I did so I could go see it once more before it goes away. It wasn't pony related or anything, but the thread just reminded me of it.
So what are the main sites we'll be losing? I've found these so far:

MLP Library: Library of My Little Pony
The Mushrump: The Mushrump - A My Little Pony Fansite

Are their owners still active? If they're not, do you think they'd mind someone setting up an MLP archive somewhere?
I really don't know. But I know that I would like to be able to see them and the Customizing 101 site. I've never seen any of them before.... I could use some of the help!
If there are web pages in particular that you don't want to lose the info from, you can always save the pages to your local computer. Just go to file--> Save and save them to a folder. You can then have them for reference anytime, even if their website goes down.

I just went to the Customizing 101 webpage for the first time and it is awesome, so I will definitely be saving off some of those pages in case you don't find a new web host.
Wow....I didn't even know geocities was still around. I wonder if my old website is still up....
If you do have a Geocities site, please post it here, and Ill take a look at its content. I may be able to help those TP members who have sites there far as hosting goes.


OMG! That's wonderful of you! :D I have my own hosting, so I'm okay, but I would love to see these other sites saved.
If you do have a Geocities site, please post it here, and Ill take a look at its content. I may be able to help those TP members who have sites there far as hosting goes.


Wow, I have a bunch of stuff on Geocities! It's pretty much for my own purposes of sharing information about myself with my friends, so I can probably use some non-yahoo site for that somewhere. My most used pages are my profile and my pony list. Oh, one I don't wanna lose is a memorial page for my friend who died last year:

Yahoo! GeoCities - MintyForty's Profile
My Colourful Little Friends
Andrea Ronen Berlinghoff

And that's pretty much it!

.. Well .. I also have a secret page full of videos I made with copyright protected music and no permission, so I can't post them publicly.

Oh, I guess if it's gonna get deleted anyway, I guess I'll just put it here .. but though I think they're all G-rated, some people may not like them anyway.

SimplyMints - Private Videos

Yahoo! did the same thing with photo albums last year and then brought them back. Maybe the same thing will happen here, but it's probably a good idea to save your pages elsewhere anyway.

I know I have Customizing 101 bookmarked and have referred to it myself, as well as referring several new customizers. :)

I wanna find a place I can put up my pages that's not gonna do that. I want a host that's free and reliable. I host my pics on photobucket, and videos on dailymotion, so I don't need massive storage, just big enough for a bunch of html files, and with the bandwidth to allow me and several random people who wanna see my pony list and my profile to visit whenever they wish.