G4 Tex


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 6, 2010
This pony is a commission and is NOT for sale.
G4 Tex, started life as a Pinkie Pie. The face and feet mods where done with apoxie clay. He was airbrushed yellow, and sealed. Rehaired with nylon dollyhair. His hat came from the Apple Jack Barn Playset, and the bandana was hand sewn and closes with a snap.



Naaaked Tex! :blah:
OMG - he is soooooooooooooooo cute! I just want to pinch his little cheeks, LOL!
WANT IT! Tex is my favorite boy pony! I rescued mine G1 Tex 15 years ago from the most manky/gross flea market I'd ever been in and he just has a special place in my heart. I LOVE him as a G4. As I recall, okiegurl, you aren't too far from me and I might just have to come over there and get one of your customs! ;) Awesome work!
Right-on with a boy! Woo! Such handsome!
OMG!Tex was always my fave Big Bro Pony from G1. I :heart: this lil' guy!!