G3s Contain Catnip?


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
MLPTP Supporter
Jun 9, 2005
I've come to the conclusion that G3s are laced with catnip. What other reason is there for my cat to go nuts over them?


Poor Triple Treat. I set her down while I was putting some ponies in a display case, and Tequila snatched her up and started chewing on her. Don't worry, she came away with minimal damage. :eek:k:
My little cat likes to slyly swipe them off the bottom shelves..... Lucky she's not interested after she's caused pony mayhem!
I remember now as a kid I would be playing with my ponies on the floor when all of a sudden there would be a white flash. In the blink of an eye one of my ponies would be missing. I was my sisters cat. :catdevious: Your catnip theory makes sense.
It works with small dogs, too. Mine ran off with my styling Pinkie Pie!
Awe ! Whats a cute pic hehe one of my kitties likes to bat them around sometimes but mostly he just likes to knock them off shelves haha
Well, I guess your cat wanted to find out whether Triple Treat contained any treats for her...
It must be the pony hair that attracts them.

(I like your cat's name ;) )
Ah HA! So that's Hasbro's evil scheme--put catnip in the pony plastic so we have to buy replacements when our kitties chew on them! :icon_smile_lachuh: Joking!

Super cute pic. My cats like to knock my ponies off the lower shelves so they can lay on the shelf. They also like to dig books out of my bookcase for the same reason. Lol!
I finally caved and gave Slick his own pony and he hasn't stolen any of mine since. He likes the hair.
Mine likes to lick the plastic. And it's usually before it gets cleaned from the thrift store...eww.
I have 2 cats and neither have any interest in my ponies or any of mine or my husbands collections for that matter. But what they do like to do is go on our work table and knock down all of our work in progress stuff. (Me and my hubby both customize.)
Yeah...... Just imagine if your cat literally jumped into the display shelf and snagged one of your ponies, while knocking dozens to the ground, and then chewing on their hair. My evil cat enjoys doing that.
My cat Whiskers likes to knock them off the bottom shelf and roll around in them. Its only the g3s she does this to. She leaves the g1s alone.
Josie is the only one who comes near my ponies. The other two couldn't care less. Josie only goes after them though when I put them on the ground when I am dusting or something. I guess she figures they are fair game there. lol. She won't chew on the bodies, but she does like to grab them by the tail and walk around with them. She used to be quite the mouser, so maybe she is reliving her glory days. lol
My cat likes to do this too! No chewing but if there's ponies on the floor she likes to lay on them and go to sleep. It's so cute!
OMG My cat does this too! He isn't allowed in the pony/craft room AT ALL. He LOVES the hair--will grab them by the tail and swing them around and around and throw them and chase them all day. I should grab a bait pony and video it; it is hilarious!

What IS in those ponies? LOL