I have decided after a hard and long process. I even needed a second opinion. All the choices were very fun and had their appeals. The decision process was hard. But now that is done and the color matching is done I think I'm starting to compile supplies.
I cleaned and prepped my bait yesterday and started painting. :)
I hope I ordered the right hair colors... I don't have the pony I'm making, and it's always so hard to tell colors on a comp. screen. Tried out something new with paint... didn't work so I'll have to start over. Good thing I bought plenty of paint!
I'm on the hunt for hair today. I'm hoping I can find it locally because I'm concerned with shipping times. I have heard it can take up to 3 weeks for hair to ship and I want to have ample time to leisurely take this on and handle each potential problem at a time.
I'm on the hunt for hair today. I'm hoping I can find it locally because I'm concerned with shipping times. I have heard it can take up to 3 weeks for hair to ship and I want to have ample time to leisurely take this on and handle each potential problem at a time.
I just ordered like 17 colors from Dolly Hair and it got here in less than week. So I don't think she's too backed up at the moment =3
I'm trying to decide what hair color(s) best matches the pony that I want to do. I think I already have the paints I am going to need. I am in touch with people about the bait I want to use. hopefully it will arrive soon so I can get started. I'm itching to. :)
;) *teeheehee*

I actually don't know who's making whom yet. All I know is who's making a custom for whom. No, wait, I lied. I know ONE person's definite choice, but I probably won't know which everyone else has chosen until check-in. I won't know what my partner chose until it gets here. That person will check in with someone else.
I finally decided who I'm doing. And I have a bait to use, now I just need to go to Hobby Lobby (again...) and get the right paint colors =D
Just bought more paints today....now I'm just waiting for the bait to arrive in the mail :)
I've got most of the hair sorted out and the bait should be in the mail!
I have a sundance with highlighter. You can have her if you pay shipping.