G3 diva pose adoptie

Very pretty! I would love one of DragonSong, please? Ref pix are in my sig and avvie.

-breed- earth
-hair- blue, light blue, white, purple
-eyes- blue
-symbol- silver dragon with it tail going down her leg and silver music notes around its head, small silver music note under her eye

Are you still open CC? I'd love one of Ocean Breeze. She's in my sig. Here's her symbol:


Thanks in advance!
Oh...I saw that LLBponygirl asked for more than one! Thank god, because I have been dying to ask for another one. lol. When you have the time, may I please have one of Celty?


Thank you.
Thank you cannibalcow! I love diva Ocean Breeze :478:
Love her! :)
May I have one of Marius CC?


His ring says "Shall I join my brothers there?"

Thanks in advance.

okay I love this pose so much- you fuel my diva passion!
could I please have