G1 Robot Unicorn Attacks!

The Cleo Collector

Oh My Ra!
Oct 6, 2013

Robot Unicorn Attack G1 Pony!
Her name is Always Harmony! after a line in the theme song Always by Erasure.

I had a G1 windy that I was going to use to make something but I decided on a different pony so she was just sitting here doing nothing.
I love the game Robot Unicorn Attacks! the original one. The song will get stuck in your head for days too.

So I "FOLLOWED MY DREAM" LOL and decided to take poor old windy and make a kinda G1 version of said games Unicorn.

I don't rehair I don't have that steady of a hand so Windy already having sort of rainbow hair was a plus/
I took off Her cutie mark and eyes and mixed up a dark gray base paint.
When I had her painted I used this marvelous marker my mom gave me its a Chalk pen. I guess its for clothing as that is what my mom used it for cutting fabric and all.
I ruff out some dark lines on the pony of the "joints" and when I was happy I was trying to think how to make her look more Metallic as the flat gray paint look nothing like shiny silver.
I remember my mom or sister giving me some silver glitter power you put on your eyes. I don't wear make up so I keep it for art stuff.
I painted over Windy with a Silver glitter paint I had and before it dried I put the silver power on it. When it was all done I had to go back over the lines in the chalk pen to make them show up. I then Painted her eyes a blue color and touch up some area. Then she was seal with mod podge.

So below is what I came up with. I am know she is simple and not very good but I like non perfect things and I am rather proud of her myself.
I do these little projects for therapy instead of taking meds all the time which with all that is wrong with me I take quite a few and they can make you sick. I get depressed easily during these time or just when the mood hits. So painting and making ponies has really help me out a lot.

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She looks fabulous! I love all of the sparkles, and that song really is infectious, it's stuck in my head right now!
She's super cute! Unique, too. Kinda makes me think of the old lost in space show. ;)