g1 mlp icons - OPEN

Wow! It´s so nice of you to these icons for us! And they are so cute! Well done hun!:bounce:
Thank you so much for Masquerade! :D You did such a good job! :bounce:
I yonked my seabreeze THANK YOU so much!!! beautimess!
Oh there they all are!!! I yoinked them plus Lemondrop. I can't remember if I saw Peachy, but if she is there, I am yoinking her too! :)

Thank you so much babyblueducky!:pegasus:

Sliver Gleam is sooo cute being small and pixelised.

Thank you!:artist:

Thanks sooo much!:butterfly:

(and excuse me if I put too much emotions, I really like them!)
"Yoinked"... hehe... what a fun word...

Umm, yeah... I "yoinked" Medley. Could you also do a TAF Sweet Tooth or Dancing Butterflies? These are so little and cute!
any more ideas who else to make? more babies? those who would be not so difficult to do.
could I get Gusty and/or Baby Gusty?
