$ Price Check $ G1 & G3 Accessories?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Nov 27, 2005
Please let me know pricing ideas on the below? Also, is the purple seahorse even MLP? Thanks! ~ Megan


I'd say just a couple dollars for the G3 stuff. I'm not familiar with G1s, so maybe somebody else can help you with those.
*bump* Anyone know on the G1 (especially the ribbons)? I've sold them in the past for $.50 ea; had an offer of $5 for all of them and is wondering what the current going rate is? Thanks!
Ok, let me see...
there are Sweetness and Lace slippers which are around $0.75 each
that seahorse isn't MLP :bat:
I'd say G3 brushes are about $0.10 or so - not that sought after, other G3 accessores could be more up to $1-2 a piece depends on who wants them :)

yellow long handled comb (prob Braided Beauty's if it's a dark yellow) about $3
other combs generally around $2 - less if they have prongs missing (some like the white moon comb might also be less)
Baby necklace $1-2
if you have wide ribbons they could be about $3 for a pair otherwise $0.50 sounds about right, unless there are flutter or princess ribbons which could be up to $5

Hope that helps :)
*edit to add that those are the *best* prices you could get, $5 trade value is about right but selling value would be more is you were happy to hang on to them until you got a buyer.

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