G1 Coloring Books


Festive FelizNavidad Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Jan 3, 2006
I wanted to share my coloring book collection as a resource and see if anyone else had any G1 coloring books I don't have shown here. I am only focusing on the US ones now, I know there are still foreign ones out there but I'm wondering how many more I may be missing.

These are the ones I have that are unused...


First Sea pony book is 1985, rest are 1986


Trace and Rub 1987, Birthday Punch Outs 1989 and Christmas Treats 1991

These are the ones I need to upgrade, they are not unused...

1984-MLP and Friends, 1985-Dream Castle, 1986-Baby Ponies and Dot to Dot

And just to be thorough, her are images from the backs of the books. Most of them have the same back covers but I took pictures of the different ones...

1984, 1985 and 1986

1988, the 1985 Dream Castle, the 1987 Trace and Rub and the 1989 Birthday and 1991 Christmas Treats

Please share any other coloring books you may have. I've never seen ones I don't have already. Of course if you have any for sale that I don't have I would certainly be interested. I hope you guys find this info useful. Maybe one day if I end up having to be on bed rest or something I will try to find the time to scan them all and be able to share the pages!
Squeeeeeeeeee I am sooooo jealous. That is an awesome collection. I dont have any of the books.
Wow! That is rather impressive! Rock-on!
You SHOULD scan them, I would LOVE IT if you had a Wind Whistler page with Baby Quackers *lol* Nevermind XD
Seriously, I would love to print out some of them and then we could do another coloring contest! Or linearts for ATCs! *yay*
You got great collection :)! I see in the pictures that pony design is evolved within the years but people still looks weird (specially in the first ones).
Wow, I never knew there were so many coloring books available..I only knew of the Christmas Treats one. :eek: You really have such a lovely collection! The bright, vibrant cover art for all those books is just beautiful.
Great Collection! I had the birthday party one, and still remember some of the pages I colored. It is long gone now, but is one I still remember! I know I had more, but I can't remember which ones. Thanks for sharing!
I remember have one or two back in the day. I doubt I remember what happened to them. Your collection looks nice. :)
Hah, aww, I had the 'Baby Ponies Playtime' when I was little. Remember taking several pages and coloring all the ponies in with brightly colored stripes and spots. I was not a stickler for accuracy, let's just say that.
I would love to color in those! Probably not what you wanna hear, though. I might print out some g1 coloring pages to do today now :smile:

No, I totally agree! Coloring in the book is so much better than off copy paper, coloring book paper is just right for crayons! I've considered maybe one day if I ever get around to getting them scanned, then maybe allowing myself to color in them for special occasions, like my B-day or Christmas. I dunno, we'll see.
Aww, that sounds fun! And they really are! I just wish I could get the hang of not breaking crayons...
I love your collection! I'm trying to find coloring pages because of projects I want to work on.... :)
Those are beautiful! Oh, how I would love scans from these. I've been trawling Google image search for over a year looking for pony lineart and there's never anything good on there...
What a great collection! I remember My Little Pony at the Dream Castle! It brings back so many memories at my babysitter's house where we played with ponies all the time! So much fun! I actually think she had the majority of those coloring books because a lot of them look familiar.