FREE Member Appreciation Raffle!

Oh! She's pretty! How nice of you! I'd like to enter, please!
I would like to be entered too! What a great way to get people the animal rescue site too! I love going over there to click and I try and get as many Christmas present from the site as I can:914:
Can i be entered?? I am confused as to how the whole voting = more tickets thing works..
Pheonix, you are entered once just by posting here that you entered, but each day that you vote for my shelter (and for each friend you get to enter) you get an additional entry into the raffle.

Example: vote each day next week and that will get you 7 extra raffle entries. ;)
I want to enter too, please!
I would love to enter your raffle. I have clicked on your shelter as well. I have a soft spot in my heart for feral cats. We adopted two feral kittens when I was a teenager and they turned out to be wonderful and loving pets.
would shipping to cdn be the same as us???