G4 Found this new G4 Pony


Pink Spring Flower Princess of Dreams >w<
Aug 26, 2014

Honey Rays, she is quite cute yes? :smile:
Just moving this along to discussion for you :)
What a cute pony she is.... very intricate wings...

Also on TaoBao with similar wings

Lol the little things to hang odds n ends off (on the wings... If that's what they are!)
It wouldn't surprise me at all if that was part of the design, just like the Equestria Girls car where the windshield is also wearable sunglasses:



And can we take a moment to think of how adorably close she is in design to Firefly? :ponylove:
Honey Rays http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110709060819/mlp/images/d/dd/Honey_Rays_ID_S1E11.png and Sasaflash http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/038/d/b/mlp_sassaflash_by_ispincharles-d75g8b8.png Both look like Firefly :)
are those wings that double as swanky glasses?
The pony is adorable but agree on the wings are not needed :\
Lovely pony but I really don't like her wings. They look...melty :lolpony:
I think we have enough pink G4s by now... but still, happy to see other non mane 6 ponies coming out. Don't like the wings, but I like the charm bracelet type idea to it. Though a bracelet would have been far more rational and practical.
I actually have a Drag Queen friend (the illustrious Ivanna Mann) who would love this. She loves Ponies AND masks! It's a win/win for her!

Heck, i like it too!
Definitely getting a Winx Club vibe from those wings, especially the Enchantix transformation with the jeweled wings.
Love the pony! But too bad they didn't make the wings like clip on. So when you took them off you wouldn't have a hole in your pony. But she'll be welcome in this house no matter what.
Love the pony! But too bad they didn't make the wings like clip on. So when you took them off you wouldn't have a hole in your pony. But she'll be welcome in this house no matter what.
Yep :)