Found a hidden Celestia in the clearance section!



I was browsing the clearance section of my local Target hoping to nab a couple of G3.5s before they disappear off the shelves to make way for new 2011 toys. Even though I don't like them aesthetically, the collector in me HAS to have at least one of each gen. I happened to find the last My Little Pony hat box at $10 off the original price (score!) So that checks off that to-do list on my MLP agenda. Sorry for the yellowish pic, the lighting in my room sucks... :/

Then amongst the rubble of unwanted clearance toys I found a familiar pink was the Princess Celestia figure I had been waiting/searching/hoping for!! She wasn't on clearance unfortunately but she was the only one I could ind so of course I wasn't about to just leave her there, even if I was low on cash :p I'm so in love with her! Her voice kinda sounds like Barbie though! :scratch:I dunno if I should take her out of her nice packaging... what to do what to do!:winter_brr: