Foofoo's Guessing Game is back... but with a twist! WINNER ANNOUNCED!

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YES! WE HAVE OUR WINNER! After eons of searching the wastelands, THE NUMBER HAS BEEN LOCATED!

CONGRATS @ Sunkissed! You'll need to PM me your address so you can receive your loot!

Hm, looking at the picture again, my previous guess may be a bit low lol.


Slightly off topic, but:

As a rancher, I can completely relate! Between my immediate family and me, there's almost a hundred animals total. It's amazing how quickly problems can stack up, in spite of good management and our best efforts. Injury certainly doesn't help, either.

Wishing you a sound and swift recovery! :smile:

Between animal illness and injury and our illnesses and injuries, we could keep a small hospital in business! What type of critters do y'all raise? I is curious!

Did I meticulously go through all 40 pages tallying up the numbers? Yes, yes I did. And might I say there was quite a bit of dRaMa? I was sick and look at all I've missed :eek:

I do hope you're feeling better now!

It's a mirage! Oh! That would be so awesome.

I could use that old 'it was allll a dream!" trope!

Honestly, though, if it was a picture of a mirror and the answer was 0? I know foofoo wouldn't do that to us, but it would be sooo funny. <collapsed into giggles>

I sure wish I'd thought of that. So delightfully evil.

My original plan was to count how many ponies wide and tall the stack was, and then look up the dimensions of vintage loveseats to figure out how deep the stack could go, then use some fun math to find the total volume of ponies......... dandy was right, the numbers do call to me x] I tend to overthink things. The curse of being a math nerd is that you always think of how you can use geometry to solve a problem before the odvious answer of guessing-and-checking numbers to narrow it down

LOL That would have been my approach, which is why I added that info. I would've been trying to calculate pony butts per square inch.

It's astounding
Time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll!

100 point toGryffindor for quoting the bestest musical evah!

Thank you all for making this such a fun game! I had NO IDEA it would be such an elusive thing. Feel free to continue to chat and have fun!
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I like the number 50 :)

And it did indeed make it to 50! Who'da thunk it?

I'm going to have Hank go over the pages again and make sure I didn't miss the number earlier. If I did, then I'll just have two winners! :D