First pony buy.

Great ponies! I have Baby Stockings, too. And Dancing Butterflies is such acute pony. I've meaning to buy her.
Great ponies you found! Great deal too for them being in good condition like that :)
Wow lots of responses, thank you all! ^-^ Man I've been pretty sick and haven't managed to have the time to take photos when it's daylight out. :c I'm really gonna try to get photos of (now cleaned up) Dancing Butterflies this weekend! lol
Leave a Whisper
, thanks. :) Yeah, I think those two are my favorite of the lot, it's probably why the got cleaned first. lol
Skygleamshine, Haha, really? Well lucky me then! She'll probably the next one to be cleaned, I did I pretty good job fixing up DB's tail curl. :)
Opened up the box DB and Whizzer were transported in recently. I had forgotten that I had accidentally turned a fan right in her direction, and then didn't notice for a while... So it made her mane a mess, along with her bumpy ride in a box. :p Her tail is still excellent though! It's super soft, I just took her frizzy splintered curls and put them into one. So I took some photos, indoors, at night, with lamp lighting, just to show that off for now. :p I tried to curl her mane into tiny little curls, it was nice at first but didn't turn out quite the way I wanted. Don't know if I'll redo it that way.