G1 Favorite G1 Poses and Why?


Shining on the Water
MLPTP Supporter
Jan 1, 2020
As the title says. Do you have a favorite G1 pose? Or even a second favorite, if you wish. What do you like about them?

My favorites are probably the Posey pose and the Powder pose, and it's a little bit tough to pick between them. The Posey pose is cute, it seems fun and free, and I like that she has her head up high. I think it's a really nice pose overall. But I think I might especially like the Powder pose because it's like she's looking up at the sky, maybe at a shooting star, or the glittering night sky, making a wish. It looks really hopeful to me~
I've been partial to the Firefly pose. Such a regal pose, strong and powerful.
I also like the sitting poses from Bubbles and Seashell. It's a shame Hasbro didn't make more ponies that way, but I can see they're least likely to be played with because of the pose so they didn't make more
fave Earth pose - Tootsie, Truly & Gingerbread poses :redheart:
fave Uni pose - Mimic, Buttons poses
fave Pegasus pose - Firefly & Dancing Butterflies poses

might add more to this list...
Picking one pose from each species:

Earth Pony: I have to get back to you on this one.

Unicorn: Buttons-The pony is walking a bit more like a horse ought to.

Pegasus: Paradise pose-Its just a cute actiony pose. Although a bit baffling considering the wings are laying flat against the body.

Sea Pony: Sand Dollar-The expression is alert, but sweet.

Flutter Pony: Honeysuckle-This is a very elegant pose.

Winger: Glow-Its demure and elegant.

I don't like the mermaid pony pose. Sorry.
My top 3 (because I couldn’t pick just two) are
Bubbles pose- I’m not sure why they didn’t use it more, the ponys just look so cute sitting down like that :)
Crumpet pose- this one always looks a little bit shy but curious to me, it’s such a pretty one
Baby Tappy Pose- this one I have an odd reason for ^^; do you know when puppies do that little pose while playing like they’re about to pounce? Baby Tappy pose looks like that and reminds me of my puppy cause he did it all the time
Picking one pose from each species:

Earth Pony: Posey…. I love the movement, sitting is second due to its rarity.

Unicorn: Gusty… it’s cute and stable, but the pony doesn’t look overweight like the earliest ones.

Pegasus: firefly… a sucker for a classic I guess, I think Pegasus and firefly pops into mind.

Flutter Pony: Forget-me-not, love her so much!

Winger: Glow… it’s cute and shy
What makes you like them?
for tootsie, i just like the simplicity. it's cute and the pony mold looks like it has a longer, bit chubbier build than most :p truly pose isn't common but i always like rearing poses. gingerbread's pose is just a classic. looks great for photographing and some fave g1's are in that pose.
mimic's pose is very regal and i always thought that was fitting for uni's. buttons pose is very natural
firefly pose is great as it looks like the pony is about to take off. and dancing butterflies pose is just so charming to me
Hmm.. probably Glory’s pose because it’s regal without being show-off-y. After all, she was the Queen of my herd for many years. I’ve always had an affinity for the Bowtie pose as well, probably because it makes the ponies seem shy and I can definitely relate. Actually, I tend to like all the poses were the heads are tipped down to the side. It makes them look adorable and sweet.
I love the 'shy unicorn' pose so much, I just think it's so elegant and cute
Posey pose - because it is so cute and happy. A trotting horse.
Firefly pose - I like the head sculpt and the chubby rearing pose.
Bow Tie pose - so innocent.
It's a tie between posey and cupcake earth ponies or me. Posey pose is one of the most dynamic but cupcake pose has the birthday pony lol.

I really like the milky way pose for unicorns and the bouncy pose for pegasi.
earth ponies - posey pose, probably my favorite g1 pose overall
unicorn - tie between gusty and powder poses. i just think the powder pose is so sweet, like they're looking up at you.
pegasus - whizzer pose
Honestly I do really like the Firefly pose as well, I got the retro rainbow set of ponies and I've kept most of them in the box... partly in an effort to preserve their lovely scents. The only one I pulled out was Skydancer. I like her pose for the same reason I like the Powder pose, the ponies looking to the sky just speaks to me.

From this it's kinda seeming like the Firefly pose is a particularly popular one though hehe. The Posey pose as well.
Firefly pose us my favorite for sure! I do like the Gusty pose second, it seems so sweet and adorable.
Sitting: It's adorable, and I wish Hasbro had used it more.
Rearing: It has a wild energy about it that I love, and again, I wish it had been used more.
Shy: It's just so sweet and innocent looking.

Surprise: Again, sweet and innocent, very beautiful.

Powder: I love the skygazing. Reminds me of Twilight in Rescue at Midnight Castle when she says, "I wish, I wish, I wish..." Even though she doesn't look skyward when she does it.

Sea Pony
Sand Dollar for adults, Water Lily for babies: I like that they look like they're looking at something on the surface.

Cloud Puff: I like the way these ponies seem like they're just floating along, carefree, in the breeze.

Big Brother
Tex: I actually don't really have a favorite BB pose, but I'm partial to the Tex pose because he's my only childhood BB.

Sweetheart Sister
Spring Song: Looks sweet, and it's the easiest SHS pose to fit on my shelves. :lolpony:

All of the below because of how adorable they are. Other reasons listed.

Earth - Baby Ember and Newborn Tappy: I love the playfulness in Tappy's pose.

Pegasus - Baby Surprise and Newborn Yo-Yo: Yo-Yo is a childhood pony, and I always liked how she looks like she's galloping along, trying to take flight on her tiny wings.

Unicorn - Baby Glory and Newborns Rattles and Tattles: I love how the unis in Rattles' and Tattles' poses look like they're looking up expectantly at their Mommies.

I like the Playtime Brothers' and Teeny Tiny poses equally and don't have a favorite.

ETA: I wish they had done a lying down adult pose. There's a silicone artist on Instagram who makes them, and they're adorable. And a lying down baby pose like the Firstborn pocelain figure, but I imagine it would have been hard to extract from the mold, similar to the reason the sitting pose was changed from its model.
I like all poses but I love the shy poses especially the pegasus shy pose.