Fall/Winter ATC Swap SEND OUT DATE DEC 7

My cards were mailed out yesterday ^_^
K so I sent mine out a few days ago but forgot to post here. So mine are on the way! Paradise, I got the postage for my return envelope from an automated post machine so if there is any problem with returning it LMK and I'll make up the difference or all of it if it doesn't work.
Yay, I sent them to the right address this time! hehe I can't wait to see everyones cards! *dances with joy and impatiance* :082:
Hey everyone wanted to update for you. We are waiting on two more sets of cards and I'll be able to start sending them out again :D

^__^ How are you all doing?
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Paradise! I'm doing great myself, how are ye? ^-^

Wrangler - that really bites that yours got lost in the mail! :( *hugs*
Hello everyone I wanted to give you all an update. I apologize for not sooner but I haven't been home much. I'm still waiting on a few cards and will be contacting tomorrow. Wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone :D and I <3 you all and hope you had wonderful holidays :D
I just wanted to pop in and say I am gluing these together tonight. Sorry for the delay guys I just got out of the hospital. I am hoping to mail them tomorrow or the next day. Again I am REALLY sorry :(
Hello all updatey goodness.

Misty will be sending hers out individually and WW updated above. I'll be sending everyone's out directly. Sadly after this ATC I might take a break for a lil bit from ATC swaps, just for a lil while. Right now my everything is up in the air considering I work for Circuit City lol everything is hanging on a whim. I'll let you know when I hear anything more. Love you all.
Thanks for the update, Amanda! If you'd like to "pass the torch" for the ATCs and take a break, I've hosted several swaps in the Webkinz communities I mod. I could probably squeeze in one or two before things go crazy at my job again. :hugegrin:
Sure :D I'm not picky ^_^ I'm sending out everyones that i have tomorrow and Misty and Wild Wrangler will be mailing you guys yours. Let me know when you get them and I'll mail out theirs to them. :D
i got my envelope in the mail today. theres only 7, so i guess im expecting 2 more. i will try to scan them some other time.
do we want to post what we got in this thread or a thread of out own or a shared thread?
I got mine and i love them. I love my bella luna!!!!