Fair Exclusives (SHIPPED!)

:yippie:Ok, I was able to order 10 more so those that were on the wait list can get a pony for sure! There are still a few spots open if others need some and again, I would suggest replying even if the list is full because it is likely that at least a couple members might not be able to go through with the transaction.

For those that were already on the wait list, I will be PMing you with paypal information and holding the ponies for you for 3 days.
I sent a pm!!
I would like to receive one. I was working with SailorLibra previously. She mentioned you may be able to assist?
Ooo! I would love to be added to the list to get one of these beauties! PMing you now! :yippie:

I'd really love it if you could get one for me!!! :) I'll pay you right a way. :)

Thank you very much for offering this to us. :)
Wow you opened 10 more spots? You're seriously so generous! Our hero!!! Hope they'll allow you to bring a wheelbarrow inside to haul them away :D
Hey, let me know when you are going to pick these up and I'll give you a hand with hauling them out. :)
Hey there,

Just wanted to double check, but I did send my paypal payment and I sent an updated PM. Just want to make sure everything went through the way it was supposed to.

Oh!! Hopefully I'm not too late :D

Can you please put me down for one Strawberry Reef? Thankyou so much for your PM!
Is there still a slot? I would love to have one of the ponies! I think it is so great of you to offer to do this for us poor people who suck and cant' make it :p
The list has been updated... all 20 spots are filled at the moment but I can add people to the wait list if a spot opens up.

I will pass on the thanks to my hubby... he has been a pretty good sport in all of this too :)
yeah I want to thank you and your whole family!
your husband for putting up with at least 20 of us and our pony obsessions... and your boys for sitting in the backseat when all these dizzy ponies will be in the car with them!