Ever forget what ponies you have?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Sep 10, 2012
Wow, I was so shocked! So I got my stuff out of my brother's basement after a few years. In there was my box of favourite toys, including about 20 ponies (that will be added to the sale list soon). What got me was that, while I knew a good number of the ponies that would be there, there was some real surprises.

For one, I was sure I kept Minty since I'd wanted her from childhood but Mom could never find her. She wasn't there! I must have sold or traded her years ago when I was downsizing the collection the first time. Huh.

I also found Lucky! I don't even remember having him in my collection! I've been looking on sales sites recently to try to figure out prices and I've been thinking it would have been nice to have had him... Who knew? Certainly not me! He must have been one of the last ponies I got before the big pack-up.

I thought I'd kept Princess Baby Sparkle but, like Minty was not there. I found her at a yard sale early in my collecting and didn't know what I had at the time so I didn't look for her buggy. I'm still haunted by that.

I found a few that I knew I'd had but forgot I'd kept in the favourites, such as Dazzleglow, Sunspot and Baby Count-a-Lot. Overall, it was kind of neat to see who I'd chosen to stay when I was starting to downsize, but at the same time I was kind of surprised at some of my choices. Why Ringlets and not Princess Glittering Gem? I think some had been part of the ponies that my Mom found at a yard sale in '97 that started the pony collection in the first place. I liked to remind her of that fact when she'd whine about the collection and the money I was spending, etc.

Anyway, I kind of feel like a bad Pony Mommy so it's probably just as well they're looking for new, loving homes, with people who won't forget who they are or that they have them in the first place. :-(
Oh I totally do that all the time! Just too many to keep track of. Lol

It has worked out well for my 2 year old daughter though who gets all the extras. She's fast becoming a pony girl like her mama. :D
I do it on certain sets, like some baby sea ponies, but for the majority of my collection I remember quite well.

Which is saying something, because for the life of me I cannot recall if I brushed my teeth this morning.
I got my G3s out of storage because I was able to put some up on a shelf. :) I found out I have 3 baby penny candies. o_O I don't even know how I got a baby hokey pokey and I had her on my want list for ages... (her hair is kinda cut off in the middle.) I dunno how I ended up with 3 fluttershys.
For G1s I forgot I had baby sleep tight and sleepy head. I also forgot I had pink dreams. ugh I try to write things down but that doesn't even help me. :scratch:
G3's I have trouble with, and some of the euro excl. g2's... like the princesses and ladies of the ordinary ones...

I have 2 toola roolas, 3 scootaloos..... etc. Seems to be mostly the newer ones, I new all the early ones.

I haven't actually doubled up on any of the g2's except when I knew I was, like in lots (lightheats everywhere!!!)

G1, worldwide release G2 and G4 brushables are easy to keep track of, despite being in storage. I'm about to start on petites... I think that might pose a problem unless I name them... c'mon arena naming polls... HURRY!
There was a time where I almost forgot I used to have a few Petites as a kid. Then my brother found them while cleaning the attic. :) I'm kind of torn about them. As far as MLP stuff goes, they were all I had as a kid, but even then I remember what I really wanted was the big ones. Don't know if I should keep them for nostalgia's sake, or sell them to people who'd care more about them. I'm confuzzled.

As far as my actual collection goes, I tend to forget I already have Firefly. All the time. :p
Yes! and that's even with the recent ones! I have to make lists.
Oh, good I'm not a terrible pony mommy after all. I'm in good company here!
I have a list of who I have and who I want as we'll as the price they are going for. This way I don't overpay or get doubles.
I'm really embarrassed to say no. :( Forgetting about owning one or two ponies when you have hundreds, or thousands is normal..... most of the time I can even remember what flaws are on each of my ponies within an army. My brother has autism and it's normal for him to fixate or remember tiny details, my family will sometimes tease that I have "autism version lite" when it comes to my obsessiveness with the pony collection or keeping things in "perfect" condition. :p
a few years ago i had total control and i could list all the names and years and whatever no problem. now i haven't taken my ponies out of their boxes in 3 long years :( so i just can't wait to pick them out again and go 'ooooh i didn't know i had you and you and you'
I dont have many, but a lot of them arent on display because i need to clean and prettify them. So i can a lot of the time forget about the ones i have already bought but not cleaned.
Except for the G1s, but if i ever find them ANYWHERE i will always buy them regardless of if i have them. xD
Constantly. Whenever I actually sit down with them, I sort of balk at who I have.